Thursday Night Medical Dramas Do V-Day
So here are my weekly thoughts on “Grey’s” and “Private Practice,” both which did couple issue stories just in time for Valentine’s Day! Sorry for any errors, I wrote this while watching Olympic coverage 🙂
On “Grey’s,” a popular romantic restaurant had a roof collapse, which canceled the romantic plans for many of the doctors. Rather than going out for romantic dinners of their own, they were working on patients.
The happy lesbians Callie and Arizona tried to bring their joy to Miranda by setting her up with the new anesthesiologist (Jason George), but she wasn’t having it and told everyone she’d move on to dating when she was ready! However the scene in the elevator when Callie and Arizona were giggling over Miranda liking a boy was great. I want to see Miranda dating and in love, we never really have seen that with her cause she’s always been a workaholic.
Meredith (and Alex) got involved with the love drama of some of their patients. A married couple (14 some years) who every year went to this restaurant and their waiter, who secretly loved the wife. Ironically the wife loved him too, but the waiter never said anything and then she met her husband at the same restaurant! It was a sad story, and even sadder when the waiter died and the woman broke down.
Meredith had some drama as she didn’t see herself as “The Chief’s Wife” and doing all the events that Adele did. She wanted to just be a surgeon, and Derek seemed okay with that. However in the end she did go to an event after the ordeal with the couple. I honestly keep waiting for something that makes them have to get married for real, not this post-it marriage. But at the same time, I’m warming up to the post-it marriage. More and more couples seem to be skirting marriage for one reason or another, from everyday couples to power Hollywood couples. Given MerDer have been anything but traditional, maybe this marriage is right! (Lord knows every other marriage on this show has ended up a disaster!)
Lexie went blond to change things up, and got hit on immediately by Mark, who didn’t recognize her from behind. She was furious, and hooked up (again) with Alex by the end of the show. I am NOT a fan of these two at all. I think they are just taking Alex back down the sleazy road her started on really.
Teddy realized her blabbing that she loved Owen had ruined their friendship, and she told both Owen and Yang she just wanted Owen back as a friend and Christina as her student and she would get through her feelings and issues but not let them interfere. Big words, and I think she’ll do her best . . . but Owen will now want her. She’s not going to be pining after him, that will annoy him and he’ll cheat on Christina.
Finally in a not so shocking storyline development, Mark’s daughter Sloan decided she couldn’t be a mother and was giving the baby up. Mark wanted to adopt it, but she needed the baby out of her life to move on, and if Mark had it that couldn’t happen. She then left, leaving Callie to break the news to Mark.
Onto “Private Practice” . . .
Everyone was to gather for a fancy fundraiser dinner for the millionaire who funds Noami’s practice. Nobody however really wanted to go, but they begrudgingly went.
Charlotte and Cooper remain pissy with one another, but clearly are still in love. Frankly I’m over their fighting, either break up for good or get back together. At the end Cooper attempted a peace treaty where they would at least be civil to one another.
Naomi found herself being pursued by the millionaire boss, but not exactly sure if it was he who made her heart flutter. Her co-worker in the wheelchair though clearly has the hots for her, and seemed upset when Noami kept going with the other guy. I foresee them hooking up at some point, though it might take the guy in the chair having to quit for Noami to realize all the feelings he stirs up are what she’s not feeling for the other guy (I can’t remember their names).
Sam continued to be angry that Addison wouldn’t date him because of how Naomi would feel, not wanting to see Addison’s side of things. I’m really not liking these two mainly because they are making Sam all about himself here. At the same time, it’s also becoming clear they’re gunna do it at some point to, and I’m sure Naomi will walk in on them.
Pete and Addison, both in love with other people, entered in a “friends with benefits” relationship in this episode. He was clear that he loved Violet still, and she finally said outloud she thinks she’s in love with Sam. BARF! This was not romantic at all, but I guess it wasn’t supposed to be. It doesn’t help me want to root for any of these couples though.
Violet continued to struggle with moving on, as did Dell. Dell finally removed his wedding ring. Violet wished she had some symbolic step she could similarly take. Maybe she could try seeing her son? I’m so tired of this storyline dragging out with her and her son. Let’s resolve it already. I was glad they didn’t have Violet and Dell sleep with one another, which is where I feared they were headed in this episode.
By the end of the episode Naomi finally gave Sam some wedding advice for Maya’s wedding. Sam was struggling with it and brought Violet in to help plan it. First sign this marriage is doomed? It sounds like it’s going to be some pink Hannah Montanna nightmare given what Maya wants! Fortunately the show ended with Naomi giving Sam some sensible wedding advice.
Loved that fact that Grey’s addressed some important issues this week – like the fact that it is Valentine’s Day and the doctors should at least have plans outside the hospital at times. Also, loved the fact that they addressed Meredith having responsibilities as the Chief’s wife. Like you, Dustin, I am warming up to the post-it note wedding.
Felt like some fans were robbed on Practice. Some of us have waited a long time for Addie and Pete to get together. Not what I expected. Hoping this will turn into something more romantic down the road.
02.12.2010 at 10:56 pm
Ok I am despising with all of my being the Sam and Addison story, they are making her the world’s biggest skank, no wonder teenagers think sex solves everything look at this show, not to mention the continous incestous nature, like there are people outside the staff that exist for Addison, who’s left now Cooper or did she sleep with him? Between Grey’s and this show she has quite the score sheet. I am really being turned off this show which I intially loved loved loved, knowing that this storyline will continue makes me not want to bother watching at all, I’ve already tuned out so much, my vested interest is lost and i keep hoping they’ll find a way to draw me back but seems they would prefer to shove me out the door and lock it
02.13.2010 at 12:56 pm
I needed room on my dvr and deleted private practice because I am so disgusted with the Sam/Addison story line. You just don’t do that with your best friends ex or your ex’s best friend. Maybe if Addison didn’t already have such a crappy history it would be easier to handle. I’ll keep recording it and watching it if I have time but so many of the characters are driving me crazy… Violet and her baby, Charlotte and Cooper, Sam and Addi, and Naomi her treatment of Maya… it is very easy to find other things to do. Sad because I used to really enjoy this one.
02.13.2010 at 2:39 pm
Hate the post-it note wedding! Get married or don’t call what you are doing marriage, it co-habitation. Plus this post-it note crap just seems to take any fun out of a real Mer/Der wedding. If everyone treats and respects their post-it like a marriage then the ceremony is just an excuse to wear white at a party and get gifts.
02.15.2010 at 3:29 pm