Sunday Night Shows: Strippers and Reunions

Sunday Night Shows: Strippers and Reunions

Posted by Dustin on 02.01.2010 at 8:26 pm

As usual, some quick thoughts on “Housewives” and “Brothers and Sisters.” Maybe one day I’ll be able to actually do recaps again! Till then, if you missed it, hopefully you’ll get some kind of recap out of these.

“Desperate Housewives”
Tom and Lynette continued counseling with “Daphne” from Frasier. As good as last week (or two weeks ago) was with Lynette admitting she could be a nasty bitch, I enjoyed her vindication this week with Tom admitting he avoided confrontation and thereby made her be “bitchy bad cop.”

We got some hints as to the Bowen drama, as Angie mentioned the name Patrick, which caused her pretend husband to warn her never to mention that name. Is this the name of the guy they are running from? Who John Barrowman will play?

When Carlos flipped over Anna and Danny getting too close for comfort on the couch, Angie flipped when she saw him threatening her son. Another clue? I think Danny will be Patrick’s kid, and part of the reason she ran with him, to protect him. Of course by the end of the show Gabby and Carlos evesdropped on the Bowens and learned they are clearly pretending and hiding out on Wisteria Lane.

Orson decided to kill himself, which Bree learned about, and spent the episode saving him and working things out. Bree can’t say she still loves him, but she did, and she could get back to that place. I just can’t help but feel they will pull the fake paralyzed bit at some point. Orson will continue to pretend he’s paralyzed to keep Bree with him.

Finally Susan sold Carl’s share of the strip club, but took in a stripper in the process. Robin quit her job after meeting Susan and decided to pursue a better life. Susan hired her as an assistant, but a father of a student who donated to the school complained when he recognized her. Feeling bad, Susan convinced Mike to let Robin stay with them. Okay first, I was hoping Susan would have reamed the father out, maybe even threatened to tell his wife (assuming he was married) about his hobby. Second, MJ taking a liking to the stripper was hilarious. I couldn’t believe he told Robin “you can give me a bath!”

“Brothers and Sisters”
“Brothers and Sisters” I thought was a little slow, with the main story being about Kitty officially deciding to run for Robert’s vacant senate seat.

Kitty accompanied Kevin to his reunion, and told off this hooligan Kevin used to idolize in an attempt to fit into the cool crowd. When the guy, who got drunk, called Kevin a fag, she said she’d have him killed if he called her brother that again. As awesome as the scene was, I have a feeling it will come back to bite her in the butt on the campaign trail. I bet someone has it on tape and it gets put on YouTube!

Kevin told Kitty that while he supported her decision to run, he did not want to be her campaign manager, it was time he did something which didn’t involve him trying to prove who he was to someone else, or the world in general.

Kevin and Scotty got the news that the first implantation didn’t take. No shock there, I didn’t expect this surrogate to pan out honestly.

Sarah’s budding relationship with Roy got a jolt when Luc texted her that he missed her. Great timing to as the two had just “done the deed.” However the hints are there that these two either won’t work out (he didn’t even know who Spinal Tap where!), or it’s a love triangle for Sarah and she has to chose. I think I’d like to see the later rather than her run back to Luc. That’s too easy!

Finally as Holly continued to hold onto Ojai, David had enough and planned to take a Holly break and go on a work related trip. It made Holly realize perhaps it was time to let go and sell out. She met with the guy who has been trying to buy her out, and she knew he knew something about the worth of the company. It seems he told her in confidence, but we of course didn’t hear the secret. Later David proposed to Holly, saying he realized he never gave her a reason to believe in him and that he would be there for her. She said yes. As happy as I ironically was for Holly, I can’t help but worry she’s going to do something soon to screw over Ojai.




  1. I think what we didn’t see with Holly was much bigger. I’m sure she wound up sleeping with him but my first thought was that he raped her. At the very least it was forced and she will be very affected and possibly changed by this.

    Comment by sean
    02.01.2010 at 10:09 pm
  2. Hmmmm, I guess I didn’t get that impression! I might have to go watch the end again (I was flicking to the grammys, but watched most of B&S cause I was over the Grammy’s by then lol)

    Comment by Dustin
    02.01.2010 at 10:27 pm


    Comment by smoor
    02.01.2010 at 11:35 pm
  4. Am I the only one who was happy to see Holly treated like the whore she is? I mean, she slept with William for the money so why should this guy be any different? I didn’t feel sorry for her at all and I hope she did sleep with this guy and David finds out. There really isn’t much that can redeem Holly’s character for me. Every “nice” thing she does has some kind of personal motivation/gain for her. She’s constantly moving her chess pieces. I can’t wait to see her go down….

    Comment by Beth
    02.02.2010 at 10:54 am
  5. Normally I loath Holly, but every now and then she does something and I like her. But I know she’s going to screw this up lol.

    I need to rewatch the last ten minutes cause clearly I didn’t pick up on her sleeping with this guy. I remember them talking and her confronting him, while him saying he’d tell her the truth but needed her to keep it to herself (or something).

    Gunna put it on now

    Comment by Dustin
    02.02.2010 at 1:34 pm
  6. Ahh okay, now I get what I missed. It makes a difference when you see the scene, not just listen to it lol.

    Yeah she clearly slept with him.

    Comment by Dustin
    02.02.2010 at 1:56 pm

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