Friday Night Spookies!
Last night was a new line-up of the Friday Night Spooky Shows. Here are some thoughts . . .
On “Ghost Whisperer” Melinda and company investigated the case of a guy haunted by visions of killing his girlfriend. In truth he was having memories of his biological father killing his mother (he was adopted as a young boy). His father was haunting him and giving him the visions. Both his father and sister had some fatal form of a sleep disorder, and the father was convinced demons would possess him if he slept. He thought the son had it as well and was tormenting him, keeping him awake. He was also trying to ruin his son’s relationship, he was engaged and planning on children. The father thought the issue would be passed down to another generation. The son didn’t have the disorder though, and Melinda ended up saving the world again!
This wasn’t one of my favorite episodes. In fact I got a little bored with it and my mind drifted. I feel like that has been happening a lot lately with this show. While it’s still #1 on Friday’s, because it really is the only thing on, I feel with so little competition perhaps the show is getting a little sloppy or lazy with the stories?
It was good to see Jim back and part of the story. I also noticed when he introduced himself to the patient he called himself Jim, not Sam Lucas. At this point I think the show realized what an utter flop last season’s story was and is trying to erase act like there is no Sam.
Over on “Medium,” Allison was investigating the case of a girl running away from a psych ward and supposedly killing her doctor. Allison soon began to suspect the girl’s roommate brother of having killed the doctor, the run-away girl as well as his/the roommate’s parents, who she was convicted of killing in fact. So confusing I know! This was one of those episodes that if your mind wandered, you would have missed something big. In the end, it turned out the roommate and the brother formulated a plan to kill their rich parents, she would act crazy to take the blame then be released when better, but she talked too much to her catatonic roommate who then began repeating what she told her. So they had to kill the roommate, the brother killed the doctor (who knew their secret) and then the girl killed her brother as well in order to get all the parents money for herself. Phew even trying to type that out made me tired!
I really liked this episode mainly because it was so twisty, and it was one where I didn’t even guess the ending till it happened. They kept it a secret up until the very end that the one girl wasn’t crazy, just acting. I liked that!
I also loved that the second story in this episode involved Bridgett having boy problems. However they just seemed to cut this story off with Ariel pointing out to Bridgett that she did like this boy, as she kept drawing him over and over in her notebook really well. Marie it seemed also had a crush on him, as she had been writing over and over “I Love Finn.” One of Marie’s pages got into Bridgett’s notebook and Bridgett thought she must have spaced out and done it, that she must like this boy, but later realized it was Marie who had the crush. This upset her as for once she thought she had done something normal. I do have to say, for someone who just started using full sentences this season (Marie), she has some very grown up handwriting!
I am really hoping that sometime soon we get some storyline arcs on both these shows. Some episodes that start stringing together to further some plot of the season. More on Joe’s job on “Medium” and perhaps some way to wrap up all the hospital ghosts left hanging on “Ghost Whisperer.” The shinnies storyline really doesn’t interest me too much on that show unfortunately.
I don’t mind stand alone episodes, but I think it works better if the shows have something to build to. Is Aiden still considered the major storyline for this season? Probably.
01.30.2010 at 5:52 pm
I liked the Ghost Whisperer episode, but it was a bit disjointed. I hadn’t picked up on him calling himself “Jim,” but I did find myself thinking about the Jim/Sam arc from when they watched the guy and his fiancee sleeping through the end. I don’t know why. I believe you may be right about them phasing out Sam because I was noticing that too.
As for Bridget and Marie, I wondered at the end if Marie wasn’t being “sensitive.” Perhaps she was picking up on Bridget’s feelings as opposed to Bridget’s fears that she was picking up on Marie’s. Marie, like Bridget and Ariel, has shown a little bit of abilities herself in the past. You’re right- it was a great episode.
01.30.2010 at 6:13 pm
I too thought Marie was picking up on Bridgett’s feelings, but they never went there.
I think yes Aiden is the main storyline, and it has to do with the book of changes (remember that thing lol)
01.30.2010 at 6:42 pm