Heroes Returns: Confused Heroes!
“Heroes” returned on Monday with a two hour episode. For fans like me, who have a somewhat waning interest in the show as of late, 2 hours was really pushing it. I found myself drifting in focus back and forth. The following is mostly just some random thoughts on what happened rather than a recap . . .
With the funeral for Nathan and burying of his body, I guess Nathan really is going to be a “stuck” death. I had hoped they were keeping his body on ice as maybe there would be a chance for his return in the future if the show decided to do so. Guess not!
The Hiro brain tumor storyline where he was talking in pop-culture movie riddles was funny at first, but got old fast. He eventually lead Ando to were Surresh was being held, and let him know they had to rescue him.
I just don’t find Hiro that funny anymore, and when they make him funny I tune out. I like it when he’s more of the kind compassionate yet fierce warrior her original was (or wanted to be).
I liked that Claire did not trust Samuel as far as she could throw him, but at the same time she didn’t want to take away the promise of the community Samuel had made to those like Lydia and Doyle that it was important to. However in the end, I don’t think Samuel gives a rats ass about any of the people he’s collected, he has a plan to tap into their powers for something big.
As a result of Sylar’s body/mind switch it appears he’s “impotent” as they put it, unable to kill to take any more powers (but he can still take powers). A clever way of getting around him killing the whole carnival as he planned.
I really liked Lydia and Sylar pairing up, I just hope we don’t have to live through another Kristen Bell fiasco where he does end up killing her somehow!
Sylar, using Lydia’s power, found out once again he has to go in search of the Cheerleader. So the show seems to have been brought full-circle back to the beginning. I do have to wonder if this is anticipation of this being the final season? There have been some comments online from show execs though that basically the show still makes NBC a fair amount of money, so they doubt they will be canceled.
I do wonder why Sylar is going back to the Cheerleader? To try and get that something extra special in her? Will it make him able to kill again perhaps?
Samuel went to collect Emma, and we learned that her power is much much more than just seeing the sounds others see or make. He told her in time she’d learn what her real power was, but didn’t tell her. It appears she can control the sounds like sonic shock waves perhaps? The previews seemed to show Samuel using her to cause great destruction.
Fun Fact! “Heroes” was apparently the most pirated and downloaded show of 2009!
I thought that Claire got rid of what made her extra special, ie that stupid “light” story. I thought Hiro’s mom gave it to him, when they went back in time instead of Claire and then Nathan’s and Peter’s dad stole it from Hiro. I thought that was what made her extra special, so she really wouldn’t be outside of healing herself. I like that Emma’s power is also more than just she can see sounds. I am wondering if Samuel might use her to attract normal people to say the carnival, to lead to their destruction, since he did say her power was like a siren’s song.
01.06.2010 at 6:12 pm
True, but at the same time Sylar also told her something was special about her because he was unable to kill her for some reason.
01.06.2010 at 6:16 pm
Right, Sylar saw something special (which we believed at the time to be the special thingy). That being said, I wonder if he can’t kill right now because Nathan’s still in there preventing it (despite the dramatic death). And the siren thing will be pretty cool; once Samuel has her in his thrall, she’ll be able to call just about any hero.
As for Sylar wanting Claire, I think this is going back to the end of season 2 where he wanted her for the purpose of having a life-long mate. Doubt it’ll go that way, but possible…
01.06.2010 at 6:31 pm
I tune in and out too. Claire has gotten really old for me, though. She’s always whining, complaining and copping an attitude. I’m also interested in the Sylar/Claire storyline, though. The concept of Emma as siren is intriguing.
I hope this season is more interesting than the last few, or I’d be fine with the show’s cancellation.
01.06.2010 at 10:09 pm