Thoughts On The Final Glee Of The Year, And For A Long Long Time!

Thoughts On The Final Glee Of The Year, And For A Long Long Time!

Posted by Dustin on 12.13.2009 at 5:38 pm

So I just rewatched the mid-season finale of “Glee” again the other day in preparation for making a thoughts post on it.

Once again the totally outrageous and off-color humor made this episode. Britney saying “If sex was dating then Santana and I would be a couple” was great. However the best lines were those of the judges in the deliberation room. The blonde 4th runner up for Miss Ohio saying “Okay, I don’t know how those deaf kids got into a singing competition” and the black lady/professional cynic saying she “hadn’t been funneling money to that school for them to shake their asses like hoochey mamas!” Sooooooo good!

I did feel a little bad for Finn, that basically everyone in the club knew the truth before him. However when he up and quit the club, I stopped feeling bad for him. Punishing the rest of them for Puck and Quinn was wrong. Also I loved Puck telling Finn that he was the one stupid enough to believe the hot-tub lie. Dur!

I totally didn’t get why Shue couldn’t be and the concert, aside from it created more drama and moments between him and Emma. I know he wasn’t allowed to be their coach, but it’s a public concert and he could have been an audience member.

Discussing the show with a friend, she said the one thing she was a bit disappointed in was that everything sorta got resolved and there was nothing leaving us hanging. In a way she’s right, but there are some things to look forward to. Regionals for sure, as well as the return of Sue, who we all know wants revenge. It was great to “C” Sue go down finally.

Even though it looks like Emma and Shue have a clear path, I don’t think Terry is going anywhere. I wouldn’t put it past her to somehow really end up pregnant!

The final number of the show was great. First, the cast did a better job with the song than even Kelly Clarkson. Hey, I’m not the only one on the net to point that out! Also I loved that they did a mash-up of all their performances/choreography from the whole season during the performance. If you didn’t catch that, be sure to go back and watch the end again just for it!

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  1. I think the reason he couldnt be even in the audience as a member of the ‘public’ is that the rules would forbid on the grounds of ‘coaching’. he could give hand signals or other non-verbal cues to the group.

    Yeah I also got mad at Finn for punishing the whole group. Sighs

    Comment by CGinCA
    12.13.2009 at 7:02 pm
  2. Oh come on, he found out that the baby he was falling in love with wasn’t his it was his best friends AND that all his so called friends knew about it, the boy had a right to be pissed

    Comment by Justwondering
    12.13.2009 at 8:18 pm
  3. I didn’t see it as Finn was punishing the group…if you just found out what he did, would you really care about a singing contest? Add to that that the two people who betrayed him were in the group and there’s plenty of understanding for Finn to quit. The fact that the rest of the club knew was just the cherry on top.

    Comment by sean
    12.13.2009 at 9:13 pm

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