90210: Jen Goes Down!

90210: Jen Goes Down!

Posted by Dustin on 12.02.2009 at 8:35 pm

So last night on “90210” we finally saw Liam and his gang take Jen down, and it was oh so good. She went down in a ball of flames in front of Naomi, and Ryan was filled in on her lies as well. However given this is “90210,” once the bitch goes down the bitch usually rises back up to get even. Should we all be skeered? I think so!

Navid woke up in the hospital and it took him the entire episode to remember that he was pushed, and he said he remembered who pushed him as well. So it looks like Jasper’s downfall could be soon as well. However if Jasper goes down, then Annie can’t be too far behind him. She’s been in the safe-zone far too long for her hit and run.

Dixon and Silver finally made up, and Naomi made a long over do call to apologize to Annie at the end of the episode as well.

I didn’t bother to watch “Melrose” and will do that online at some point, or if they run an encore this week.

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  1. I agree. Some very good (and long overdue) parts to 90210 this week. Jen going down was great. Very well planned. I am really liking this group of Dixon, Navid, Teddy, Liam, and the girl I can’t remember. I also appreciated the fact that Dixon and Annie made up as well. No need for hatred in the family.

    Melrose was tolerable – totally due to HL as AW. I think last week was a better episode. They need to get past this murder mystery…quickly. Highlights of the episode were Amanda interacting with Michael again – and seeing her standing in that courtyard.

    Comment by JS026
    12.02.2009 at 11:10 pm
  2. Ok, I have a new theory on the murder. I think it was Michael’s wife Vanessa and Michael is covering for her.

    Comment by Beth
    12.03.2009 at 10:51 am
  3. Good theory…might be right! It would make sense.

    Comment by JS026
    12.03.2009 at 6:21 pm

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