Ghost Whisperer and Medium Thoughts For The Ides Of November

Ghost Whisperer and Medium Thoughts For The Ides Of November

Posted by Dustin on 11.15.2009 at 6:39 pm

So while I enjoyed both “Ghost Whisperer” and “Medium” this week, I think I’ve been watching these shows too long, as the story in both were predictable.

Ghost Whisperer

Once again we got a mostly stand-alone episode surrounding the ghost of a real estate husband who felt his wife/real estate partner was jealous and killed him. They had been fighting for awhile, both unaware the other was making plans to try and reconcile the relationship. However the husband’s haunting of the wife lead to her demise, which was easy to spot a mile away.

Aiden was seeking the help of a ghost to perform magic tricks to impress his friend. The ghost is a little girl who is hiding in his closet. This ties into next week’s episode from the previews.

I wasn’t sure if the ghost girl was the same girl from the hospital with the scarlet stitch doll or not. You know it’s been so long since they introduced that storyline . . . and then did nothing with it!

The main story in “Medium” dealt with Ariel’s boyfriend, who Alison felt killed a man Lee was investigating. It turned out this guy was a hitman, who killed someone long ago. The kid felt he was this person reincarnated. Again, it was pretty predictable that the dead victim was the kids father, and it wasn’t him that killed the guy but the mother to cover up her secret affair. Zzzzzz

I did think the guilty mother was a horrid person for letting her son take the blame and planning to use mental illness as a reason to hopefully save him.

The fun story dealt with Bridget, who was taping her crazy neighbor and putting him up on youtube! Of course when the videos went viral, the neighbor wasn’t happy and threatened a lawsuit. She kept doing it, as she had dreams that she had to as the man would thank them. In the end it reunited him with some long lost girlfriend.

I thought the story was hilarious, but jeeze, take the camera away from the kid! Don’t just tell her not to do it anymore.




  1. Are you sure it was a little girl in the closet? I thought it was a little boy, and that’s typical hair for boys now a days

    Comment by Justwondering
    11.16.2009 at 9:42 am
  2. Yeah it was a girl, cause she is who was in the previews next week with Aiden.

    Comment by Dustin
    11.16.2009 at 12:09 pm
  3. Well good to know, thanks for filing me in, I am always making that mistake now a days, need to start saying what’s your name before I say he or she

    Comment by Justwondering
    11.16.2009 at 1:39 pm

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