Heroes: Matt’s In Some Deep . . .

Heroes: Matt’s In Some Deep . . .

Posted by Dustin on 11.12.2009 at 8:35 pm

Just some quick thoughts on the latest “Heroes.”

The storyline with Matt and Sylar was the best part of the episode. Though poor Matt, Sylar killed all those people in his body. Something tells me saying “My body was taken over by a serial killer” isn’t gunna fly. I guess he could sway the jury with his powers 🙂 The end where he set Sylar up to be shot by the cops, knowing they’d both die, was shocking. I thought they were gunna kill Matt off! From the previews it looks like Peter heals him though.

Sylar’s body meanwhile woke up as Nathan again and fled the carnival and tracked down Peter. Of course Samuel’s gunna be pissed that Sylar is gone. I still don’t get why he is recruiting all these heroes, and he should know better not to have Sylar around all these people with powers.

Samuel tried to recruit Claire for some reason this week. Again we don’t know why, and frankly this carnival story is on my last nerve. It’s confusing and befuddled and they need to really explain what Samuel’s agenda is. We got a back story about Becky, the invisible girl, who had a bone to pick with Noah for killing her dad (so it seems). Not convinced that’s really what happened though. Oh and we learned Danko killed Samuel’s brother, and the compass supposedly lets them guide the traveling carnival or something. Again, we need an episode that explains this carnival 🙂

A good episode, but seeing a certain character and knowing he’s getting killed off soon sucks 🙁

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1 Comment

  1. Based on the episode summary for next week’s episode, it looks like we may start to learn a bit more about Samuel, and hopefully it’ll help explain the carnival. It’s frustrating, but one of the things that Heroes has done well in the past (albeit not all the time) is to take a bunch of things that don’t seem to tie together and pull ’em together in the end.

    Comment by Fred
    11.13.2009 at 4:57 pm

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