Sunday Night Line Up: Housewives and Brothers and Sisters Recap And Thoughts

Sunday Night Line Up: Housewives and Brothers and Sisters Recap And Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 11.09.2009 at 2:27 pm

My thoughts and opinions are separate from the recaps this week, so you can skip the recap if you just wanna read my thoughts.

“Desperate Housewives”
Gabby found herself not able to do both the housework as well as home school Juanita. She told Carlos she needed help, so he hired a maid. She wanted a tutor, but got one in the end. The maid was Romanian and had a PhD, so she taught Juanita while Gabby did the housework. Carlos eventually found out and agreed they’d hire a tutor for Juanita as Gabby said she just isn’t a home schooling kind of mom, as much as it hurt her to admit that.

Angie invited Bree and Orson over for dinner, hoping to get Bree to hire her once she had tasted her cooking. Bree didn’t, but when a client wanted a traditional Italian dinner, Bree used Angie’s recipes on the sly, only to later be caught. Bree did hire Angie in the end, but Angie wanted to know why Bree hated her. Bree felt she fought with her husband in public and aired her private life out for everyone to see. Angie said they all can’t have the perfect marriage Bree does. Bree said her marriage wasn’t perfect, and opened up about her problems. Angie felt sorry for her, but was also impressed as she made the comment that she knows how to keep certain things secret as well.

Susan and Mike went to the cops with the idea that Katherine attacked Julie. They weren’t so sure, and a female detective (guest star Kathy Najimy) offered to take the case. However she had other motives, she and Susan went to high school and Susan of course stole her boyfriend back then, as well as gave her the nickname “Moose” which stuck. Oh no! The woman was completely sympathetic to Katherine, and later told Susan that Katherine was on the phone with her daughter when Julie was attacked, the phone records prove it. She also learned about Susan shooting Katherine and not reporting it, which was a crime. In the end she locked up Susan!

Finally Lynette learned from Julie that Nick was the married man she had the affair with. When Lynette told Nick to stay away from Julie, he issued a veiled threat to Lynette to mind her business. She and Tom began to worry that Nick attacked Julie and went to the cops. Later Angie told Nick the cops called while he was out, they wanted to know where he was when Julie was attacked as it seems they were having an affair. Nick tried to deny it, but Angie said she had known for weeks about him and Julie. She told Nick that she didn’t like it, but they are in fact stuck with each other, so they have to deal with it.

My Thoughts . . .
I loved Bree and Angie together, I think they could be a really fun team. Bree needs someone in her life to teach her how to really say what she feels and not be so polite all the time. This could be a match made in heaven!

Based on Angie’s comments to Nick that they were basically stuck together, again it seems more and more that they are stuck together in the witness protection program. Also since Angie knew about the affair, it seems she is now a suspect in Julie’s attack, though one nobody knows about but Nick. Again, if they have any hope of keeping her on, I don’t know if they can really make her the attacker. But it seems the show wants us to entertain the possibility.

Finally I have to make this comment yet again. Hello this is November sweeps? I expect the shows to pull out the punches and big shocking stories, but so far “Housewives” hasn’t. Fortunately “Brothers and Sisters” really has been delivering!

“Brothers and Sisters”
Kitty began looking at alternative treatments to chemo this week, thinking she brought cancer into her life with her lifestyle and personality. She thought if she could get negativity and anger out of her life, she could cure herself. Both Sarah and Nora were against this and it lead to some spats as they wanted her to continue Chemo.

Robert was caught on tape, which was of course leaked to youtube, blasting a rival opponent for being a racist. Kevin wanted to do some control, thinking he could kiss half the Republican party support goodbye now. Robert however wouldn’t apologize and wanted to let it stand. He was not ashamed of what he said.

At the cancer center Nora met an oncologist named Simon who seemed taken with her. They went on a bike ride after she broke down to him about her daughter. Later they met at again at a benefit the center was throwing. He asked her on a second date, assuming their ride on his bike was the first. She was a bit taken aback, he was much younger, but Sarah felt she should go for it.

During the benefit Kitty’s hair started falling out. She rushed home, and later made the decision to do another round of Chemo. She also shaved her head at the end of the episode!

Rebecca had been sick with the flu and was taking awhile to get over it. Justin kept worrying she might have cancer, but later suspected she might be pregnant. She told him she wasn’t pregnant, it was just the flu. The next morning Justin told her he’s sorry for thinking she was pregnant and wasn’t telling him, and then went on about how now was just not the time to have a kid. Of course in the end, she is pregnant!

Scotty’s dad returned this episode with news that he and Scotty’s mom separated and were getting a divorce. The dad was in town for a big comic book convention and met up with Scotty, giving him the news there. Scotty worried it was because of him being gay and mom’s religious views, but it wasn’t. As it turned out, Scotty’s dad had been having an affair for months. He even had brought the woman with him. Scotty was heart broken his dad did that. Later though Kevin told him he never had a chance to deal with his dad’s philandering ways while he was alive, Scotty did have that chance. Scotty said he wasn’t ready to see his dad just yet, but in all honesty, he wasn’t too mad given he always wanted his dad to stop talking crap from his mom and be happy. By the end of the episode Scotty’s dad sent over his first issue Captain America comic, hoping they could use it to help with the surrogacy expenses. Scotty had to explain to Kevin how this was worth a lot, a whole lot.

My Thoughts
So the past few episodes Robert’s campaign problems have been getting worse. He’s up against an incumbent in his own party, and now this issue with the racist and his tirade being leaked to the web. The show seems to be hinting that Robert is going to lose the primary . . . but after last night and Kevin telling him he could kiss a lot of Republican support goodbye . . . I have a feeling Robert is going to end up running as an Independent.

I absolutely love the storyline with Nora and Simon. Nora is moving into CougarTown! I have wanted to see Nora with a man and really happy for a long time now. It seems they all but dropped that English bloke from last season. Frankly, I like this Simon guy a lot better.

I have to wonder if Callista really shaved her head at the end of the episode or not. It sure looked real. I could probably google and find out.

Finally I loved the return of Scotty’s dad in this episode, though the news of the affair was a bit disappointing. However it seemed clear from the previous episodes and the fundamental disagreements between the parents over Scotty, that something was going to happen with their marriage. Will the mom come around once they have a kid though?


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Awww, now they finally locked up Susan for her crime and I have nothing to complain about. Except of course the show is feeling flat, empty, and slow. There’s cute scenes and I giggled throughout the show, but I have to agree with Dustin – this is sweeps material? I sort of wish we had watched that desperate housewives cell phone commercial as a part of the series… bit more drama and intrigue a few houses down!

    Comment by Kole
    11.10.2009 at 4:36 pm

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