Heroes: If I Could Turn Back Time . . .

Heroes: If I Could Turn Back Time . . .

Posted by Dustin on 11.03.2009 at 6:45 pm

Last nights “Heroes” took place three years in the past. Hiro traveled back to save Charlie. Not only was he trying to save Charlie from Sylar, but at the same time HRG was trying to find Sylar (not knowing what he looked like) while Claire was getting ready for the homecoming game which would become the famous cheerleader massacre.

It was an interesting episode. Hiro convinced Sylar to save Charlie by destroying her brain tumor. In exchange he’d tell him of his future (he said he gained many powers, was very evil, and everyone ganged up on him to kill him).

Samuel meanwhile needed Hiro back at the carnival and doing work for him. He kidnapped Charlie at the end, having his own time-traveler trap her somewhere in space in time. He’d tell Hiro where she was . . . if he did something for him. Samuel’s time traveler, like Hiro, had a brain tumor and taking Charlie was his last act alive. Samuel told Hiro he had made a mistake several weeks back, one that needs to be fixed. We then learned he apparently killed Mohinder weeks ago, which is why we haven’t seen him.

It was an okay episode, and the time traveling provided a fun twist to things, like seeing HRG working with some female partner we never saw before. I’m not sure why she was there really, other than to show HRG’s marriage wasn’t perfect at all (she wanted to have an affair with him).

Meanwhile, the news broke last night as to the prominent male star who has been fired by the show and will be permanently killed off. Read after the jump if you want to know!

It’s Nathan/Adrian Pasdar. I have to say I’m pissed. Even though Nathan became such a jerk in past seasons, I still enjoyed his character. I guess Sylar is going to get his body back very soon!

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  1. Wow, I think that was a stupid move on their behalf, there are a lot of people I wouldn’t have minded leaving but he is not one of them

    Comment by Justwondering
    11.03.2009 at 8:01 pm
  2. If it really is Sylar winning/coming back, I wonder what the Carnies are going to do??? Quick knife guy better be on guard!

    Comment by Marie
    11.03.2009 at 8:47 pm
  3. I love Nathan (both selfish and brotherly) and I was hoping SOMEHOW they’d be able to keep both him and Sylar. I’m bummed. Let’s get this season started! I feel like there just hasn’t been enough umph to this season… of course, rewatching the first season; there were alot of episodes that were SUPER boring as well….we can always hope, right? 🙂

    Comment by blondiemeeko
    11.06.2009 at 7:02 pm

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