Sunday Night Thoughts: Housewives and B&S
A thoughts-recap mash-up of both “Desperate Housewives” and “Brothers and Sisters” follows . . .
“Desperate Housewives”
Susan and Mike were forced to try and be nice to Katherine, as she was threatening to sue Susan for shooting her. It didn’t last long, as Susan found Katherine setting up a seduction scene for Mike, who she called to fix a pipe. By the end of the show Susan was telling Katherine that she needs help, Katherine was going to Angie to get the gun for evidence to charge Susan, and Angie went to Susan and put the idea in her head that Katherine may have attacked Julie . . . thinking she was Susan.
While I’m completely over crazy Katherine, I do like that the show keeps throwing these twists and turns out in the story of Julie’s attack. I think Katherine will be cleared, and at this point I wouldn’t be shocked if Angie was the attacker, having found out about Julie and Nick. Though if they have any hope of keeping the new family on Wisteria Lane that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.
Angie got caught in a big lie by Katherine, but covered. She claimed it was her mom’s birthday and her mom was dead, she gets upset on this day. Later Katherine caught her on a prepaid cell phone talking to her mom, who she claimed was Nick’s mom. Angie was saying how she missed her, and it was too dangerous for them to see her, how Danny was almost 19 now. Basically it definitely sounds like they are in the witness protection program after that scene.
Karl gave Bree a pin that was his grandmother’s, left to him because there were no granddaughters to leave it to. He was supposed to give it to a special girl someday. Bree quickly found out at dinner with Susan that Karl gave it to her first, and she supposedly lost it and he yelled at her for it. Karl took it though, letting Susan think she lost it, as at the time they were going through a nasty divorce. Bree claimed she bought it at an antique store in town. Bree gave it back to Susan, who later gave it to Bree again as Karl was in her past now and Bree bought it. Bree was not pleased with Karl, who proposed to her. She claimed they were both married still, and she needed to see the better side of Karl . . . so they would not be having sex for one month! She wanted to see the changed side of him he keeps saying is there. Meanwhile Orson went to the antique store to replace the brooch with something else, only to learn they only sell furniture . . .
YAWN . . . I’m not really enjoying this Bree-Karl affair. I’d much more enjoy seeing Orson off this show 🙂
Lynette learned that Tom was failing statistics, a required but pointless course in his eyes, and he cheated on the midterm to pull through. His other classes are also touch and go, he’s struggling. Lynette was furious, he should come to her, seek help, hire a tutor. He should NOT be cheating, it sets the wrong example. He fired back, reminding her she was lying to Gabby and Carlos about her pregnancy, so don’t get moral with him. He said sometimes in life you have to break the rules to get by, that’s something parents don’t want to tell their kids.
What I don’t get is . . . Tom was a business exec and in advertising no less . . . how can he fail statistics? Also maybe Tom should have just gotten The Rosetta Stone, it would have been cheaper than going back to school to major in Chinese 🙂
Finally speaking of school, Juanita got in trouble for saying the F dash dash dash word in the middle of the school play when she messed up her lines. The principal (Norma on Passions!) explained the punishment to Gabby and Carlos. Gabby thought it was too harsh and told the principal off, saying she’d get Juanita into a private school. Of course Carlos found there were no openings, so Gabby was force to home school her. That went about as well as one would imagine.
Gabby and Carlos had the best scene of the show when they argued about who told Juanita the blank word, giving each other examples of how they use it every day. Gabby told Carlos he wouldn’t be getting blanked tonight . . . and he said he blanked off earlier!
“Brothers and Sisters”
On “Brothers and Sisters” Tommy returned in this episode to see Kitty. The hippie commune in Mexico seemed to have a good effect on him, he was much calmer than the Tommy they all knew. Of course leave it to Nora to find out his secret and expose it at a family dinner. Tommy hadn’t spoken to or seen Julia or Elizabeth in months. Julia was not only filing for divorce, but didn’t even want Tommy to be a part of her or Elizabeth’s life. Tommy felt they were better off without him, he broke their marriage and life, she should do what she needs to to be happy. He wouldn’t argue with his mother, he was tired of living up to her expectations.
Later Nora realized that Tommy was always the easy child, the perfect one . . . she had just come to expect it from him as she had 4 other kids who she needed to take care of. She realized she just gave Tommy over to William to take care of and mold, she gave her son away the way he was giving Elizabeth away.
Kitty was the one to talk sense into Tommy in the end, by showing him a book she’s making for Evan. It started out as a baby book, now it’s turned into what they call a life book . . . a book to help him through phases of his life in case she’s not there to do so. Tommy eventually decided to go to Seattle, to see Elizabeth, to make things work as best as he could.
Tommy was the same old jerk as always in this episode. He got on my nerves. Nora isn’t perfect and she is a nosy busy body, but when he went off attacking his mom . . . Oh no! Don’t try and justify the fact that your being an ass and abandoning your child because it’s too hard to live up to being mommy’s perfect child. By the end of the show he at least seemed to realize he was being a jerk. Clearly the door has been left open for us to see both him and Julia again in a future episode.
Sarah’s kids found out about her french lover Luc and they were cool with it. Luc moved into the guest room in her house.
Kevin caused waves for his and Scotty’s surrogate when he pulled out the legal contract. Scotty felt he was making it cold and impersonal, Kevin was trying to protect them. The surrogate felt maybe she wasn’t right for this after all. It wasn’t until the whole Tommy-Julia-Elizabeth fiasco came out that Scotty realized Kevin was doing the responsible thing and looking to protect them. Well duh Scotty! Clearly he’s never seen a Lifetime TV movie dealing with fertility or surrogacy issues. Kevin also went to the surrogate, Scotty’s friend, and convinced her they could make this work and explain where he was coming from.
Finally Ryan continued to help William’s old nemesis/partner destroy Ojai. Ryan helped him learn about Holly’s financial troubles. He offered to buy out Holly’s shared of Ojai. but she flat out refused. Clearly though he’s not going to give up. It was bad enough when Holly invaded the company, but now we have the possibility of this jerk? I hope someone catches onto what Ryan is doing before it’s too late. Can we send Ryan to Seattle with Tommy 🙂
I thought the final scene with Gabby and Juanita was very touching and could be a turning point for the the bad mother.
11.02.2009 at 3:25 pm
I don’t think Gabby’s a bad mother – just a more normal one I think. Yeah her life doesn’t revolve around her kids – but that’s why her kids reacted smart to the crazy chimp attack at Juanita’s party! If you coddle your kids they end up having affairs with married folks (Lynnette and Susan), blackmailing you (Bree x2), or abandoning you forever (Katherine and Bree). Kind of funny when you think about it.
11.03.2009 at 4:18 pm