Housewives and Brothers and Sisters: October 25th Show Thoughts

Housewives and Brothers and Sisters: October 25th Show Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 10.26.2009 at 12:58 pm

Last nights “Desperate Housewives,” while funny, didn’t really push the stories much. My guess is they are waiting next week with the start of November sweeps. “Brothers and Sisters” was much more enjoyable!

“Desperate Housewives”
Bree continued her affair with Karl, even though a housekeeper at the no-tell-motel disapproved.

Lynette hired Roy to be a handy man as Karen begged her to as Roy needed some extra cash. In return Roy lectured Lynette for basically emasculating her husband. Hilarious, but true! Lynette seems to need constant reminding of this, as it’s happened before.

Gabby was thought of as a bad mother on all of Wisteria Lane after a little girl got a rug burn at her house. I thought this was hilarious as the mother was upset that the kids were sliding down the carpeted steps. Every kid did that, it’s one of the best games ever!

Julie came home from the hospital and was spooked. Danny and her talked, he knew about her and his father. She swore it was over . . . and was pretty sure her dad didn’t attack her. He had something to help her . . . .

Danny confronted his dad about cheating on mom. He basically blackmailed the kid and said this news wouldn’t kill his mother, but knowing Danny knew about it would! He also made some sly comment about how if he thinks he is the bad guy here, he’s wrong. So clearly the mother has some big secrets as well! Since he’s had an affair, I’m thinking it’s something else.

Finally the show basically ended with Susan shooting out the window by accident, and shooting Katherine! Katherine claimed she was taken part in the neighborhood watch Susan organized, but more likely she was crazy-stalking their house again. Katherine only got a flesh wound and Angie talked her out of pressing charges by playing on her beliefs that Mike returned her feelings and this would complicate their reconciliation. She had to do it because Danny gave Julie their gun, and it was registered in their real name. If the cops checked, they were busted!

“Brothers and Sisters”
Holly learned all the money William left her that she invested was embezzled and is basically gone. She cried to David all she has is her stocks in the company, she’s broke, she’s back to where she began. Really? Seriously? Hey Holly, karma is a bitch and I am loving this news! Maybe she’ll sell out her shares and leave the company . . . yeah hoping too much?

Sarah’s kids came home, so she had to hide her French lover Luc at her mom’s house. Nora wasn’t thrilled, but Kitty who is still recovering was. She was just about to leave when he arrived, and she decided she needed a few more days of rest. She then called the entire family who would get a kick out of this guy to come over and watch him swim laps. Rebecca, Kevin, Scotty, even Saul showed up as they all ogled him basically. The best scene in the episode was when Luc (Giles) got out of the pool, nobody wanted to give him a towel, so Saul walked over and started talking French to him!

By the end of the episode Sarah told her kids about Luc, and that Aunt Kitty had cancer. Robert meanwhile took Kitty out to celebrate her first round of treatments. He planned a fancy rooftop dinner and she tried to tell him this wasn’t necessary. As she insisted he treat her normally, fireworks burst overhead. Huge, Disneyland like fireworks! My state is one of the many with a governor up for election this November, so of course all I could think was “Hey Mr. republican senator, I hope you financed every drop of that display and it didn’t come from the taxpayers!”

Also going on this week, Kevin and Scotty picked their surrogate. Scotty had a friend (and I believe co-worker) in mind who needed the money. He planned to have her around as he and Kevin discussed the surrogacy idea, the problems they were having and how much they would pay the person. Knowing she needed the money, she jumped at the opportunity to volunteer. Kevin wasn’t crazy about her, but by the end of the episode agreed. However the eggs were coming from someone else, she was only the surrogate.

Next week looks good as Tommy finally returns. It is, however, only a brief return. He’s not coming back full time. His ex-wife is also supposed to make an appearance as well. Love her, wish we could have kept her!




  1. I absolutely loved this episode of B&S! I can’t remember an episode of this show where I laughed so hard! The pool scene was the best part of the episode!

    Comment by kiki15
    10.26.2009 at 2:25 pm
  2. I agree…last night’s eps is what B&S does so well. I know I’ll be replaying that pool scene many more times.

    I’m actually dreading Tommy’s return, even for just one eps. When I heard he was leaving, I thought killing him and his wife off and having the baby go to Kevin (her bio dad) would have been a very neat way to clean-up and progress multiple story lines. Oh well.

    Comment by sean
    10.26.2009 at 4:08 pm
  3. I loved Tom’s speech last night on Desperate Housewives, was nice to see him as someone who knows what’s happening and does it because he loves her, very sweet and well done

    Comment by Just Wondering
    10.26.2009 at 7:24 pm
  4. Dreading Tommy’s return on B&S. I always liked there being so many characters but just was never that attached to Tommy. Here’s hoping hes just around to help wrap up the loose ends in his story line.

    Comment by Erick
    10.26.2009 at 7:33 pm
  5. On DH, I am wondering if Danny is really that guy’s son. The attachment between him and his mom reminds me so much of Ivy and Ethan on Passions and the father does not seem to have much interest in him, almost seems jealous. There is something there and that guy is definitely creepy!

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.26.2009 at 10:20 pm
  6. While I realize that they want us to hate Katherine and forget that Susan continually acts like a criminal, Katherine did have a check-able story – Tom asked her to do neighborhood watch for him so he could study and went to tell Susan. Susan even yells at Katherine “Why didn’t you tell me.” To which Katherine replied she was, till she got shot!

    I’m still hoping that one of these women see she has a mental problem 🙁

    Hey did anyone else catch the Cell phone couple at the neighborhood watch meeting?

    Comment by Kole
    10.26.2009 at 10:31 pm

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