Heroes: Welcome To The Carnival
So last night on “Heroes” Sylar became adopted by the carnival, though it became clear Samuel had some plan to use him somehow. He knew who he was and was trying to help Sylar remember his memories. A soothsayer felt there were two people in Sylar at war, which is why Samuel was trying to help him remember who he really was.
First of all, if Samuel knew as much as he thinks he does about Sylar, he wouldn’t want him there. If Sylar comes back, that Carnival is toast. Also what the soothsayer said is what I’ve been thinking would happen, 2 souls in 1 body, 1 can win out. I am really beginning to think the certain male hero who is being let go is going to be either Sylar or Nathan. I’m leaning more towards Sylar, only because this game they’ve been playing with him for 4 seasons now is wearing thin.
Ray Park’s character, the fast knife thrower, doesn’t like Sylar and doesn’t like that Samuel is pimping Lydia out to Sylar to reel him in. The little side story from Sprint has Lydia having a kid. With Ray Park’s character me thinks!
Peter took Hiro to the hospital where he learned how sick he was. Peter teamed up with Noah to go find a kid with healing powers to use on Hiro. Meanwhile Hiro helped Emma learn to cope with her powers and how they are gift to be used to help people. She kept warning him to stop using his powers as he had to wait for Peter. However he remembered something for his bucket list, saving his friend Charlie from last season. He warped out to save her just as Peter returned with the power to heal him.
Hiro of course also stands to be someone they could fire off, but honestly I don’t think it will be him. He’s been the face of the show for too long, even if his shtick is also running a bit thin. However this episode I actually really liked Hiro.
From a career perspective, Sylar is the most likely to go given his Star Trek franchise and that Nathan’s career not so much.
As for most likely character to go I would think it’s Nathan – how can a senator be missing for so long? Is he off hiking a trail? They have to keep Sylar- he’s the key villain.
With the body switching ability, maybe it will be the killing of one character but player by the other actor.
10.20.2009 at 10:33 pm