Grey’s and Private Practice Thoughts

Grey’s and Private Practice Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 10.16.2009 at 6:47 pm

So last night was the big cross-over of Bailey from “Grey’s” to “Private Practice.” This is mostly a thoughts post on the shows, and I have to go back and watch “Practice” over again as I missed some things (as usual).

I loved Callie’s dad showing up on “Grey’s,” and bringing Father Lonigan from “Passions” to help pray away Callie’s gay. Callie standing up to her father, as well as Arizona’s talk about her own father’s reaction, were the highlights of the episode I thought.

Most of the episode focused on the Mercy Wester’s invading, and they were damn good doctor’s it seems. Everyone was on their toes and Izzie made a mistake that cost Bailey’s patient a kidney transplant (paving the way for her to go to “Private Practice” to get one). The mistake also cost Izzie her job, she was the latest to be fired.

Not only did she lose her job, she left Alex a “Dear John” note basically saying she was gone. Ouch!

I don’t know, for most of the show I sat there hating the Mercy Westers, loathing what was happening to the show. Then I realized I guess it made for damn good drama if I was getting so pissed off. Yet there is a fine line, piss the fans off too much and they walk!

Bailey headed to Oceanside Wellness to see about using her patient’s sister as a possible transplant. Of course then came the news she was HIV positive and not a candidate. The woman didn’t care, she was going to die without this, so if she contracted AIDS at least she had a shot at living a little while longer than she has right now. Drama!

Sheldon learned that Pete had the baby, and they finally took the paternity test. It’s Pete’s! I think this is gunna be the end of Sheldon on the show now. Violet still couldn’t be happy about the news.

Addison’s pregnant woman from last season (Noah’s wife) showed up wanting to know if she slept with her husband. Addison didn’t, but she did admit she fell in love with him. The wife said that was worse, sex was just an act, but now she’ll never know if Noah is thinking about Addison or her. Bailey later let Addison have it as well, saying she may think she did the right thing by not sleeping with the guy, but she still cheated as she stole his affections away from his wife.

I kinda got the feeling this was paving the way for Noah’s return possibly? Not sure, but after this episode, could we accept her and Noah together after Bailey basically told her she still did wrong?




  1. I am pretty sure that Noah won’t be reappearing anytime soon 🙁 as Josh Hopkins is a main character on Cougar Town. 🙂 But they are both ABC shows so maybe it is a possibility, as far as I am concerned there could never be enough Josh Hopkins on TV. (Oh Josh/Roger I miss you on Swingtown)

    Comment by Tricia
    10.16.2009 at 7:38 pm
  2. Ahh I don’t watch that one,I didn’t know he was on though.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.16.2009 at 7:59 pm
  3. Loved Bailey and Sam together! Nice to see her get some man action, sort of, if Grey’s fails she definitely would fit in that cast nicely!

    Comment by Just Wondering
    10.16.2009 at 11:47 pm
  4. If I were Izzie I would withdraw any money from the clinic that she donated. Also, why is the Chief running two hospitals? I know that they had the merger and all but the Chief really wasn’t doing a great job, so why let him run two? Unless the Mercy West chief was even more horrible. I am hating Dr. Hunt’s, I’m not going to play favorites line he keeps pulling. Pretty soon, he will be phasing Christina out, both relationship and surgeries. There is a fine balance/line and he is very heavily on one side.

    Comment by Marie
    10.17.2009 at 1:31 pm
  5. Hunt’s comments to Christina sucked. She has to be there for him and hold his hand when needed yet here she is looking for direction and some kind of solid ground to land on and hes no help.

    Comment by Erick
    10.18.2009 at 3:54 am
  6. I hate how Noah had fallen off the Private-Practice planet when the show came back! as much as I’m for men staying home with their kids, I hardly think that’s what he’s up to, so how weird is it that now this prominent surgeon at the hospital is gone – or rather that the ABC PP-people seriously underestimated the fans’ hope to see more of him and Addison! they should have made him a regular so he wouldn’t have had to move on (or down, if you ask me) to Cougar Town :S

    Comment by jenka
    11.06.2009 at 9:07 am

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