Army Wives: Season 3 Finale

Army Wives: Season 3 Finale

Posted by Dustin on 10.12.2009 at 12:10 pm

So last night was the season 3 “Army Wives” finale, and just like the previous seasons, it was the last few minutes that left us with the “Oh Ma Gaw!” moments. Here is sort of a bullet point rundown of the major moments . . . .

-Roland learned that Price was wanted by the FBI for the bombing of a federal building back when he was a student.

– The army decided to ban soldiers from a section of the town strip where army personnel were causing disruptions as it was bad PR. Thanks to Jeremy, The Hump was on the list of banned establishments.

– Roxy lost most of her business, and found out The Hump has been banned for a year. On top of that, she’s pregnant and was afraid to tell Trevor, who realized maybe now wasn’t the time to have a baby.

– Roxy found out about Viola’s offer to sing in the club in Atlanta and pushed her to take it.

– Pamela had it with Chase after he missed his daughter’s dance recite to help a work buddy. She said it wouldn’t be long before the kids also notice even when he’s here, he’s not really with them. He proposed a family trip to Myrtle Beach to get things back on track.

– Lenore the gossip monger returned to base as the new wife of General Ludwig, the man who had come to evaluate Ft Marshall as a possible candidate for being shut down.

– Michael was promoted to a two star general.

– Pamela learned Chase took a new training assignment as he was one of three guys specially picked. She warned him if he left and disappointed the kids again, they would not be waiting when he came home.

— The Final Moments —

– Roxy told Trevor about the baby, he was of course thrilled.

– In Iraq, Joan’s troop was ambushed and an insurgent fired a rocket launcher, blowing up a jeep she had taken cover behind.

– Chase came home to find Pamela and the kids gone, Pamela had packed her drawers and closet!

– Jeremy unlocked his father’s service revolver from a box. Denise and Frank pulled up in the driveway and as they walked toward the house they heard the gunshot!

My Thoughts

Ahhhhh! This show knows how to leave us hanging for a year at a time doesn’t it?

My guess is Price was a phony all along, never finishing school or really being a doctor. That’s why he needed Roland, to have someone who could write scripts.

Okay, so both Joan and Jeremy landed in mortal danger. Will one or both die? I can’t see Joan getting killed . . . wounded yes. But Jeremy? I hate to say it, but he could be a goner.

I didn’t think Viola would actually leave The Hump! I hope she finds a way to come back, I really liked her.

I don’t think it was fair that the army did that to Roxy’s business, or the others. How about baring any trouble making soldiers from them? Seems an unfair way to punish the good soldiers as well as the business owners who aren’t the problem!

Will they close Ft Marshall? That one was never resolved, and I think we know they won’t. It would be the end of the show!

Posted in:
Army Wives



  1. Well in the book the real life boy Jeremy is based on killed himself so I see that happening. I think closing the Hump to soldiers was an overkill at the moment especially since Roxy cleaned it up. Chase was being an ass! I don’t see them closing Marshall it makes no sense. Ugh now we have to wait till what summer?

    Comment by Wanda
    10.12.2009 at 3:30 pm
  2. I was disappointed in the finale…but I’ve been disappointed in most of the season. I hope next year is much better! And I hope Joan doesn’t die 🙁

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.14.2009 at 8:56 am

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