Grey’s and Practice Thoughts
So I’m doing another mostly a thoughts post. I’ve just been very busy, and probably will remain so the next few weeks. So when I can add in recaps I will, or I’ll go back at some point and fill them in, or link to the network’s official recaps 🙂
On “Grey’s” I think what I found myself watching most closely this week and most amused by was all the ways they were hiding Ellen/Meredith’s real life pregnancy. From having her sit on a chair in the hall behind a cart, to pacing around with her hands in her jacket pockets, to finally being stuck in a bed . . . all amusing!
Clearly the story with her now being in bed for a month getting rest is how they’ll keep her off screen and off her feet for awhile. Should she be afraid of getting cut though since she’s not performing? Something tells me the Chief won’t fire her, out of guilt and the need to look after her like he always has. Will that get him charged with favoritism?
Yang scrambling for surgeries and ending up with the penis pump guy was hilarious! Especially when she took over prepping him for surgery, not knowing what kind it was.
In the end Yang’s speech to the Chief that if he can’t provide her with the teaching she needs here, he should just cut her. He realized he now had to make this hospital great again, even if he is seen as the bad guy. Well many of us have been bitching about the Chief and now it seems he’s become Darth Vadar per say, taking on the role of the villain.
On “Private Practice,” the whole story with Violet not being able to relate to her baby was heart breaking. When she gave Lucas over to Pete at the end saying this was her being a good mother, OMG, heart wrenching!
I’m still miffed that we don’t know who the father of this kid is and he’s a month old. Sheldon clearly wants a paternity test, but Pete won’t let it happen just yet. Don’t drag this thing out please! I get Pete is probably protecting Violet, the baby and yes even himself a bit; but it will be harder the accept the truth the longer this goes on.
The story with the mother and father protecting the angry little kid who stabbed her dad I felt was overdone, but had a neat twist this time. The father wasn’t an abuser, it was the kid, but because of a medical condition she had and no fault of her own. However you could see it was the kid from the moment the mom (Kellie Martin) insisted she stabbed her husband, but it was an accident. Oh and the police coming to arrest her when she herself was beat up and looked like an abused wife . . . hardly! It might have been protocol, but to drag her off to jail like they did? I don’t think so . . .
Loved that Pete mentioned that the baby doesn’t care what she went through he needed her then and now, other than that PP was ok but nothing that great. So excited to Bailey on next week and getting kissed. I get this feeling that the Pacific Wellness or what ever their practices competition is, story line is gonna wrap up soon. Ne is seeing what its like to be removed from her little unit, and with no other “characters” as the doctors of the other practice I just see Sheldon leaving when he finds out the baby isn’t his and Ne coming back to the practice. Well heres hoping!
10.09.2009 at 2:47 pm
I LOVE the Violet storyline. So many moms don’t have the instant bond that Hollywood likes to portray new moms as having, so it’s refreshing to see it go a different way. Heartbreaking, but so many women will be able to relate to this. It’s definitely something that needs to be brought into the open more, and this is a great show to do that. I didn’t watch this show much last year, but it’s on at the right time for me and I’m really hooked now!
10.10.2009 at 12:11 am