Eastwick: Hot & Cold
I realized I never did a post on “Eastwick” . . . Ahhhh! Told you I’ve been busy this week 🙂 Thought I’d do a quick post during commercials of tonight’s GW/Medium double feature.
First, I’m loving this show. It reminds me both of the early seasons of “Charmed” as well as season 1 of “Desperate Housewives,” you know when each episode ended on a shocker.
Kat, for some reason, game her dolt of a husband Raymond a second chance. Why why why? By the end of the episode she again realized what a piece of @$%@$#% he was thought when he blew up at her. However I have to wonder, how much of his blow-up was possible Daryl’s doing? Don’t get me wrong, I’d love for Kat to leave that waste of @$%@%@#%, but I can’t help but wonder who Daryl is controlling. By the end of the show Raymond had taken off with the kids!
On the same note, Joanna got her first major newspaper story and scoop. She caught the Reverend Dunn, the man most vocally opposed to Daryl, at a whore house! She however realized Daryl led her there. Again, was the revered a regular, or was this a behavior put into him by Daryl?
Finally Roxanna was not only haunted by Mia’s @$%@%@$% of a rapist boyfriend, but found out she now had the ability to basically wish death on people by her words. The first problem was solved by simply telling the ghost she was sorry, that made him leave. The second? Another power she has . . . or the devil granting wishes?
Like I said, I’m loving this show. It has not just redone the movie, but reinvented it. It’s also one big mystery every week, where we are left hanging waiting for next week. I swear if ABC cancels this show . . . . I will not be held responsible for my actions!
I’ve been loving this show too but just haven’t admitted it to anyone yet. The show is full of actors who I like but never get enough of – Sara Rue, Lindsay Price, Rebecca, Will is way hot and could be Aaron Eckhart’s brother, Matt Dallas is way hot and has a belly button now, Paul Gross from Due South is perfect as Darryl.
10.18.2009 at 4:47 pm