Heroes: Sylar Rising

Heroes: Sylar Rising

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2009 at 4:49 pm

So last night’s “Heroes” was okay, but again I find myself not getting too upset with myself if I’m distracted by other things while it is on. First a mini-cap then some thoughts.

Ando and Hiro’s sister are now planning to be married, and Hiro agreed to give her away. Ando was upset, knowing Hiro might not be alive by time the wedding was here, and wanted Hiro to tell her the truth. Hiro spent the episode trying to save some guy from killing himself. It was humorous because the guy kept shaming himself and getting fired for photocopying his butt over and over and over. In the end Hiro saved him and told Kimiko the truth. As they hugged, he got a pain in his head, then poof . . vanished!

HRG spent the episode throwing a pity party and wondering what his life had amounted too. Claire tried to snap him out of it. He felt he had done nothing but bring pain and misery into peoples lives, he hunted and locked people up. He decided to apparently to start trying to help people.

At that point, over at the Dark Carnival, Lydia the tattoo girl showed the leader Samuel a tattoo image of HRG. Samuel was angry, saying he was the past and no longer interested in them, why does she keep showing HRG to him. She said well now he’s interested again!

Tracy decided to go see the governor to get her job back. However as they were in a fancy restaurant having dinner, Tracy had to run to the bathroom. She began losing control of her powers and turning to water! Her powers settled and she returned, telling the governor off basically and walking out on him. (This is one of the stories I missed some of).

Nathan was concerned about new powers he was acquiring, not sure how he was doing so. He also had some fuzzy memories of his past. Angela tried to help him remember his past, but thanks to Sylar’s power of picking up memories from objects, it opened up a long buried secret. When Nathan was a teen he was messing around with the daughter of Angela’s best friend (Swoozie Kurtz’ character). They were drunk, at the pool, and well she hit her head and died. Angela used her powers and connections to cover it up and erase it from Nathan’s mind. Guilt ridden, Nathan told Swoozie the truth. Later Swoozie had Nathan kidnapped, taken into the woods, dumped in a grave, shot and buried. Of course because he’s Sylar, he didn’t stay dead . . . and when he rose from the grave he WAS in Sylar’s form!

My Thoughts

The best part of this episode of course was Nathan’s story, when he emerged from the grave as Sylar. From the previews though, even though he’s in Sylar’s body, it looks like he doesn’t know who he is.

Hiro’s story with the butt-copier was funny. However I just wondered if the sister doesn’t have a power? Hiro does, and both the parents did, so shouldn’t she have one? Maybe she hasn’t discovered it yet?

The Tracy story I was confused about. Again I didn’t pay close attention to that one. It was almost as if her powers were acting like a lie detector?

I wish they’d give more time to the Dark Carnies, as right now they’re what I’m interested in above anything else going on.

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  1. Perhaps the carnies (I haven’t read spoilers, so this is pure speculation) want Hiro to go back in time (after dialing Dial-a-Hero to trick him into doing what they want) in order to save the dead carny brother (or enable them to get revenge on whoever killed the brother). I just hope they don’t use this “fix time” quest to bring Nathan back to life…

    Comment by Fred
    10.07.2009 at 10:30 am
  2. Oh, the Tracey story was excellent. She realized she couldn’t go back to her old life. I don’t think her powers were acting as a lie detector – i think it was a visual metaphor to her coming apart due to her realization that she wasn’t needed for anything more then a sex kitten. She was getting hysterical and crying – then she started to “melt”. I totally see her as HRG’s next partner and both of them helping the evolved humans. Its like being hit over the head with a frying pan – HRG’s story about how he never actually helped any of them and Tracey’s about how she wants to help people but can’t do it in her old life.

    I’m pretty happy with this season so far 🙂

    Comment by Kole
    10.08.2009 at 4:24 pm
  3. I would forgive a going back in time to save Nathan because I’m really bugged that he is dead.

    Comment by Stacy
    10.12.2009 at 12:55 am
  4. i am a certified Gleek and i really love the TV Show GLEE. Diana is very pretty ;;`

    Comment by Event Management Courses
    12.01.2010 at 5:27 pm

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