90210 and Melrose Thoughts

90210 and Melrose Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 09.23.2009 at 1:56 pm

Just my weekly thoughts on last night’s “90210” and “Melrose.”

Dixon’s new love story on “90210” was just too much for me. How Sasha could believe he was a record exec is beyond me, especially when he’s on a boat full of partying high schoolers that she was hired to DJ at? Something tells me she isn’t this stupid and knows who he really is, but is playing the games he is because maybe she does like him.

I hate what they are doing with Debbie, Harry and Kelly. The word is that the “affair” storyline is supposedly scrapped as Jennie Garth protested it. Let’s hope so! She’s the only original 90210’r that is somewhat regular, so I don’t want to see her character ruined that way. Given she’s supposed to be the guidance counselor, yeah it would ruin her character.

Teddy showed his true colors to Adrianna, but it seems from the previews she may return his feelings. I never really liked Navid all that much, but feel bad for him.

I loved Annie getting revenge on Naomi. How Silver could feel sorry for Naomi at all is beyond me though. It’s like she forgot she was a social outcast for most of last season, and Noami and her were mortal enemies at the beginning of the show.

Spoiler Alert: Next week is when Liam exposes Jen to Naomi. It should get good!

Onto “Melrose . . . ” The major use of Michael in this episode helped keep my interest. That and Boomkat, who I love.

The previews of Michael bringing Jane in to take over as the landlord is awesome! So does Michael own the building now? Was Sydney blackmailing him into making her the landlord or something?

Their backstory and faking Syd’s death left me confused. She acted like some guy from her past did this to her, and that Michael was in danger from this guy. Who was it? I thought Syd exploded in a car crash (and I thought Kimberly had something to do with it?). It’s been so long that I don’t remember.

I actually felt a little bad for that Jonah guy, he got screwed out of work credit and his fiancee Riley is a jerk. She clearly wants that Auggie guy and doesn’t want to marry Jonah that much, otherwise she wouldn’t have kept it a secret. She only announced it to her family and friends at the end after she kissed Auggie. Don’t get me wrong, they are still a boring couple though.




  1. In the original Sydney dies in a car crash as she walked out of her wedding. The husband later kills himself so the man she hiding from cant be him.

    Comment by Erick
    09.23.2009 at 3:13 pm
  2. I stopped watching when they killed Syd. So did the husband really kill himself, like show it? Cause maybe they are saying “someone” killed them both?

    Comment by Dustin
    09.23.2009 at 5:13 pm
  3. Oh Melrose’s ratings were horrid, losing more than half the lead in from 90210. Amanda better get here soon, it might not make it till she shows up!

    Comment by Dustin
    09.23.2009 at 7:52 pm
  4. So what, are they going to just make everyone female on the show lust after Auggie and then have one gigantic cat fight? It’s like there aren’t any other men available.

    Comment by Beth
    09.24.2009 at 11:42 am

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