True Blood: Spoilers To Tide Us Over!
Ausiello at EW posted yet another interview/quote with “True Blood” producer/creator Alan Ball about what could be ahead. Stop now if you don’t want spoilers!
Not having read the books (but planning to hopefully this winter!) Ball may bring in a dark secret of Bill’s next season, that Bill originally returned home to recruit Sookie into working for the Queen! That could really piss Sookie off! (Again not having read the books, don’t know what the fallout was!).
In my previous post on the season finale, I linked to another one of Ausiello’s interviews with Alan Ball. Ball revealed the person who kidnapped Bill was . . . Hoyt’s mama? Not sure if that was a joke or not 🙂
Finally Dennis O’Hare has been cast as the Vampire King of Mississippi (again via Ausiello 😛 )