Big Brother 11 Finale! Live Blog From East Coast!

Big Brother 11 Finale! Live Blog From East Coast!

Posted by Dustin on 09.15.2009 at 9:11 pm

This is a live blog, which I’ll update as important things happen on screen. As I’m on the east coast, this has spoilers for those in central or pacific times that have yet to see the show!

We of course got the usual recaps before the real show finally began, and this time they recapped the whole season as quick as they could . . . (Seriously if you haven’t watched so far, why would you watch now and need the recap!)

We had to see how the house guests privately reacted to Jordan winning. Kevin was loving it, he felt Natalie would have betrayed him and felt if Jordan one it all, she’d take him. Natalie of course realized she had to kiss some ass to hope she’d be chosen.

Natalie hoped Kevin would take her to the end as they agreed, but secretly Kevin said he had no plans to take her as she has too many friends in the jury house (so he thinks). When Kevin had the chance, he talked to Jordan to make sure their final 2 deal was still on board. She was, but she didn’t think he would pick her, but he swore he would. Jordan however admitted to the DR that she’d take Natalie, as she couldn’t win against Kevin (Oh no!)

Jordan swore to Natalie her final 2 deal with her is genuine, just like she told the DR. Kevin meanwhile began to realize he had no chance to win against either Jordan or Natalie. Natalie tried to convince him if he was up against her, has some some guaranteed votes. She said if he screws her then she will vote for Jordan. She says some vote personally, some vote on gameplay. Natalie began to realize that Kevin might not take her to the end, and she was “upset” with him.

We then went to the jury house where everyone wondered who would walk in. Many were shocked when Michelle walked in! Jessie cheered like he had just won the whole game. Jeff and Russell weren’t happy to see her. Michelle then told them about the next Pandora’s Box and Natalie’s LIE to them all! Michelle then was told the truth about Natalie’s age, which Michelle had figured. Michelle was shocked to find how much everyone basically hated Natalie the LIAR in the jury house. They all made gagging noises when they saw her nominations outfit. Lydia called her queen of the trailer park. Jeff said because of her outfit, he wouldn’t vote for her!

The jury, minus the final member, all gathered to debate the final 3. They agreed winning was a strong quality, but the final three are not those people and took a different road to the end. Jeff and Lydia were fighting over Jordan and Kevin with each other! Jessie felt Kevin and Natalie played better than Jordan, but Jeff says they had many chances to vote Jordan out and nobody did. He says they must have seen something they liked, and she played smart. Russell says Jordon was sweet, but what was her power play? Lydia named what Kevin won, but Jeff named off what Jordan won. Lydia called Jordan Jeff’s marionette, but Jeff pointed out Jessie’s hand was up her back! Russell directed the conversation (fight) to Natalie. Russell felt Natalie’s strategy was to lose, because she couldn’t beat anyone, and therefore she wasn’t a threat. Michelle said it was smart of Natalie to attach herself to whoever was HOH that week. Jessie said something incoherent about Natalie, while Jeff said Natalie by no means dissevers to be here. Jeff said NAtalie could be 18, 24 or 95 . . . she acted like she was 12!

Lydia continued playing up Kevin. Michelle agreed Kevin’s lies were a good play, while Jeff admitted getting him out was a smart move on Kevin’s part. Michelle also reminded them they had the chance to give questions and answers that will help them decide. Lydia pointed out they had to see through who was being honest and who was kissing their ass to get the vote.

Kevin and Jordan finally played the final HOH game, which involved statements made by the members of the jury while they were in the jury house. They had to pick out the completion of the statement from two choices. They came to a tie, and they had to go to a tie breaker, which of course was a number question. The question was including tie breaker votes, how many total votes have been cast this season. Jordan won!

We went to the living room for the live vote, with Kevin and Nat begging Jordan for her vote. Nat talked about how they’ve bonded and become friends these last few weeks, and she’d hope she kept her in this game. Kevin then basically also begged to be kept in the house. He said he always looked out for her and never went after her. He said she was Gucci!

Julie told Jordan she was guarenteed second place and 50K, but this was a 1/2 million dollar decision. Jordan hated having to do this, between both of them she felt she would always come in second. She said she kept her word with most things, and she has to go with her gut. She said Kevin had won a lot as well, and she had to evict him on strategy. She said it wasn’t personal. He gave her a hug as she said she felt awful, but he says he understood and it wasn’t personal. He knew it was a good decision.

A confused Kevin didn’t know what he was to do, but eventually left lol. Meanwhile Natalie thanked Jordan for this. They both discussed which would win. Jordan was sure she she will come in second no matter what.

Julie talked with Kevin, and Kevin admitted to her that Jordan made the smart move. Kevin said she might have the chance to win, and he wasn’t mad as this was a game. Julie also asked Kevin without revealing who he’d vote for, what is important for him in a winner? He said who had the better strategy. Kevin watched his goodbye messages.

Julie welcomed the sequestered members to the stage, and they then learned Kevin was the final juror. Lydia of course was crushed. Lydia, when asked by Julie what she was thinking, she said “We have two witches in the final 2.” Julie let them know Jordan won the final HOH and evicted Kevin.

Julie gave each juror a chance to ask questions to them.

Russell asked Jordan what her strategy before she came in, and how did it change as she got in. She said she told herself not to trust anyone, but then she felt everyone was nice and she trusted everyone. Then the fights began, so she decided to be herself (goofy, clueless, funny, smiling) and see how far it got her.

Lydia asked Natalie who was her biggest threat and what role she played in their eviction. She felt it was Lydia because of Jessie. (Do we think that was honest or a LIE lol).

Jeff asked Jordan other than aligning with her, what was her best move? She said honestly getting rid of Kevin, not in a bad way, but she felt too many people were mad at Jeff for the “wizard power” and she wouldn’t win against Kevin because of that.

Michelle asked why she felt it critical to tell them she was engaged, if she even was. She said she really was engaged and (okay I’m falling behind and Natalie just lies lol).

Jessie asked Jordan why she deserves to win? She said she got to where she is after Jeff left on her own, not depending on anyone else.

Russell asked Natalie why she deserved to win? Natalie said she came in aligning with strong players, while not posing a threat herself. She said by aligning herself with her allies, she didn’t have to win every comp. Oh and she was true to her alliances and kept her word!

Kevin asked Jordan what she did better than Natalie? Jordan says they both were the same, they laid low and were honest with their alliances. She says she’s won an HOH, a veto, she did things to further herself in the game.

It was then time for the VOTE! But first Nat and Jordan plead their cases.

Jordan said she tried to stay true to her alliance. She was always outnumbered, she tried to lay under the radar and was afraid people would think she was carried through the game. However she’s proud how far she got on her own, and she knows Natalie has more friends in the jury house. However she won the two final rounds, is here because of her moves, and that nothing was ever personal.

Natalie said she may not have won the most, but by Jeff putting her up against Jessie, it showed she was playing the game and aligned with the strong people. She said she was aligned with Jessie, Chima and Ronnie and she stayed true to them, and to Kevin. She played the game without backstabbing her own alliance and hopes that gets her a vote.

The jury then got to place their votes. Without revealing their vote, they got to say one statement. Jessie said to Jordan “Kunamatata.” Lydia told Jordan she loves a good blond! Russell says he chose the person who played from start to finish the best game. Jeff told Jordan he was proud of her and knew she could do it. Michelle voted for the strongest female in the game. Kevin said he was voting on strategy. Julie revealed about America’s vote and logged in America’s vote for us.

Of course we went to a commercial, and we were told Braden, Casey, Laura and Ronnie would be back to reveal lies and settle scores! Of course this means we won’t find out the winner till the last minute I’m sure!

Ronnie told them all that while he was labeled the rat, Natalie took lying to a whole new level and he bowed down to her. Nat and Jordan could all hear this, and Ronnie told Jordan that Natalie lied to her more than anyone in the game. He revealed her age, and he was pissed that she didn’t tell him! Natalie says she didn’t tell Kevin and she only told Chima and Jessie.

Casey revealed to everyone that Kevin and Natalie made up the lie that Russell was after him! Jeff was then showed the video where they came up with the lie, as well as diary room sessions of Kevin saying “Jeff is an idiot if he goes for this.” Jeff said Michelle confirmed the lie as part of her gameplay though, but he wasn’t mad at anyone.

Braden simply said he was in awe that Jessie had all the girls in his bed, he was taking notes as to how to get girls from him.

After a commercial, Julie asked the first ones out what they thought about Chima, who was NOT at the finale. Laura said as a fan of the show, thousands of people would want to be there, so she was horrified she threw it away. She also felt bad for her alliance who she through under the bus. Kevin agreed with Laura, as Chima did throw them under the bus and so many people also tried out. As nobody wanted to defend Chima, Julie moved on.

Julie went to Ronnie’s speech to Michelle as to how she was the worst human being he’s ever met. Julie asked Ronnie what she has to say? Michelle says she doesn’t know how she upset him that badly, but she thinks he was just being melodramatic. Ronnie said when you are in that house you feel like you are fighting for your life. He said it was a bad statement, and he apologized.

Julie then went to Jessie about his relationship with Lydia, confronting him with him and Lydia in bed together! She then gave him the dictionary definition of platonic, which he used to define the relationship! She then asked Lydia if the relationship continued in the jury house? Lydia said nothing . . . .Julie said their silence said a lot!

Julie asked Jeff where he and Jordan go from here? Jeff said they’ll see if she wins or not! He said joking! Jeff would only say they had to see what happens outside the house as it’s so crazy in there. Jordan agreed. Julie then pressed him about the Hawaii trip he won. Jeff would only say she’s on the short list.

Julie reminded the houseguests about the 25K prize from America’s vote, but first the winner would be announced. Julie pulled the keys and America’s key to show who they voted for.

America: Jordan
Jessie: Jordan
Lydia: Jordan
Russell: Natalie
Jeff: Jordan (who wins with 4 votes!)

Jordan came out and hugged and celebrated. The final votes were revealed (after commercial)

Michelle: Jordan and Kevin:Natalie. Jordan WON by 5 to 2.

Julie asked what she’d do with the money? Jordan said she’d put a down payment on a house for her, her mom and brother. Help her aunt’s kids go to college. She said for herself, maybe a new car. See America, sometimes the nice people do win!

Julie revealed who America voted for, and said it wasn’t even close, Jeff won the 25K.

That’s a wrap . . . till season 12! Jeff and Jordan will apparently be on the Today’s Show, and Jeff is already scheduled to appear on the Bonnie Hunt show on Friday.




  1. I have been rooting for her or jeff this whole time. I am sooo glad she won!!!!

    Comment by Nikki
    09.15.2009 at 11:35 pm
  2. you go girl! OMG … this is so awesome, she is the only one of the three left I wanted to win. I was sad when Michelle left too. I was hoping it was going to be jordan and Michelle in the final two.

    I couldn’t stand Natalie from the beginning.

    I hope Jordan and Jeff become a couple outside the house, they are cute together.

    Comment by sally whitfield
    09.15.2009 at 11:44 pm
  3. I was so excited about Jordan winning I ran around my house like a child and blew bubbles ever! The best thing ever!

    Comment by Misty
    09.15.2009 at 11:51 pm
  4. what was better

    jordan winning


    jessie not voting for nat.

    whis they showed her face when they read jessies vote

    Comment by smoore
    09.16.2009 at 12:40 am
  5. All i can say is way to go jordon!!!!! the right person won!!!!
    thank God our worse nightmare didnt come true and natalie won hahaha

    when jordon evicted Kevin i knew she knew what she was doing!!!
    had she choose kevin, i have no doubt he would of won probably 😛

    but America loves jordon and she probably would of won either way 🙂

    congrats jordon you certainly deserve the 500k!!!! way to go wahooooooooooooooooooooo

    and jeff won fav houseguest i knew he would 🙂

    Comment by Erik
    09.16.2009 at 2:04 am
  6. So happy for Jordan! I loved her expression last night when she came out and finally realized that her mom/brother were standing there.

    It was totally priceless when they revealed Jessie and Lydia’s votes for Jordan. For Nat to not get America’s vote, then not get Jessie’s, had to be a clear indication that she’s not very well liked. When she starts hearing how she is one of the more disliked players in BB history, she’s going to need therapy. With her lying problem…she needs it!

    Comment by Holly
    09.16.2009 at 5:55 am
  7. I was so so happy when Jordan won, but not happy that Nat got any money at all, she is just the definition of a skeesh to me. I LOVED so much that Jessie didn’t vote for her and they did show her face it was priceless totally stunned. I cannot believe Russel voted for Nat I expected it from Kevin but that just wiped away any ounce of like I had for Russel, I would have prefered she got no votes at all but a mesely 2 will have to do I suppose.
    HORRAY FOR JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Just Wondering
    09.16.2009 at 11:16 am
  8. just finished watching the Early show and joron and jeff were interviewed by julie 🙂 i loved the fact that even tho nataliewon second place and 50k she was not interviewed on tv by julie hahaha however natalie was interviewed at lol but her interview never made it on tv which i was happy about cause that lying beech didnt deserve to win any money let alone sitting next to jeff and jordon with julie on tv!! shouldnt even aired on lol but whatever 😛

    jeff will be on the Bonnie hunt show on nbc this friday sept 18th so set your DVR’S cause America’s fav houseguest will be on 🙂

    Comment by Erik
    09.16.2009 at 12:16 pm

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