90210 and Melrose Premiers

90210 and Melrose Premiers

Posted by Dustin on 09.09.2009 at 7:05 pm

Just some quick thoughts on both of these shows . . .

First up, “90210” was pretty entertaining. Ethan is gone, having decided to stay in Colorado with his dad, rather than returning to West Bev. To replace him they brought in a tennis champ named Teddy, who many might recall played Jeremy Horton on “Days” a few years back. Yeah, he fits in as a high school student about as well as Luke Perry did 🙂

Naomi is back to being queen bitch of the school, and is still furious with Annie. How long will it be before she learns it was her own sister Jen who slept with Liam? Jen didn’t even appear in the episode unfortunately. I guess she’s busy having sex with Mr. Matthews!

Annie is depressed because the guy she hit finally kicked the bucket. Enter a mysterious kid who gets her drunk, seduces her and then takes naked photos which Naomi sees and sends all over school. Looks like this guy is going to be getting his “I know what you did this past summer” revenge on Annie! Yup, he’s supposedly the nephew of the guy she killed.

Then there was the love problems with Dixon and Silver, who had been texting Ethan all summer. He was about to take her back till he found out about those texts. Frankly I thought Dixon was a di… in this episode, especially to Annie, who was trying to open up to him about the accident. He treated her just like everyone else in school had been, like dirt.

Meanwhile, Adrianna was missing her baby, and Navid was pissed that Adrianna wouldn’t have sex with him. Finally Naomi is interested in Teddy, but he has an interest in Adrianna it seems. Poor Naomi, it’s hard being her! She can’t find any guy who likes just her it seems.

It was an okay premier, nothing to write home about. “Melrose Place” on the other hand . . . Well I have to try and watch this one again. I just found myself bored and fast forwarding hoping something good or interesting would happen. The only interesting people for me were Sydney, who they killed off in this murder mystery storyline, and Michael, who may have killed her. The new residents just seemed boring. The only one I bothered to pay attention to was Michael’s son, and only because I wondered who his mother was.

It took me some time to like the new “90210,” so perhaps I’ll come to like “MP” at some point.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I think part of the problem with the Melrose Place reboot is this. The series opened almost as if it was a new season rather then a re-boot where we actually knew the storylines.

    If we had been given a bit more of a true opening bringing in and introing the new characters a bit instead of the “you know them” this is the new “amanda” the new “jake” etc…..

    Comment by CGinCA
    09.11.2009 at 5:16 pm

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