Big Brother: The Episode Where Natalie Doesn’t Lie At All

Big Brother: The Episode Where Natalie Doesn’t Lie At All

Posted by Dustin on 09.06.2009 at 9:07 pm

As usual the show began with a recap of Jeff’s eviction and Natalie totally lucking out and winning the HOH guessing game. Oh yeah, I’m telling you all now, this recap is totally slanted against that Gnat 🙂

Natalie immediately ran around gloating, screaming “Final Three Baby!” Michelle was ready to be sick as she knew she was going up. Kevin felt like Natalie acted like she just won some long endurance challenge, when the fact is she can’t win squat. Jordan felt as if she had just screwed herself.

Natalie told Kevin not to doubt that they are going to final two together. Natalie wanted Michelle out, she was the one they had to beat this week. However they also worried about Jordan, as she did really well in that comp.

Natalie came up with a plan to put Kevin up on the block to try and fool the house to think that Kevin and her weren’t aligned (as if anyone would believe that). Kevin was furious, thinking it took 5 minutes for the power to go to her head and wondered if he would have to slap the biznatch! (Kevin’s words!)

Natalie got her HOH room, which included a blanket gift from her boyfriend. Nobody really seemed to be that excited about seeing Nat’s room at all, honestly!

Natalie told Michelle and Jordan she was putting up Kevin, as she wanted them to feel safe. She told them all these lies (oh wait, Natalie doesn’t lie) about how she wanted Kevin gone because he has too many votes in the jury house.

The houseguests played a luxury competition, which was to win new clothes. Jordan and Michelle were on one team, with Nat and Kevin on a team. However they all played as a house. They won 3:30 to shop for clothes, being allowed to keep anything they were able to put on. The uncomfortable moment of the week came as Kevin began to strip the mannequins of the clothes they were wearing, as he wanted them. CBS felt the need to blur out the lower regions of the mannequins. What the hell was going on down there?

Later, Kevin went to talk to Michelle about a Final 2 that worked for him, he knew he couldn’t win with Natalie. He suggested they work to get Natalie out, as they could do it, whereas she and Jordan or he and Jordan might not be able to. From his diary room sessions, Kevin was serious, as he was ready to knock Natalie out for the money.

Natalie came to talk to Jordan, telling her they should team up, and how she was going to be “honest” with her (because Natalie doesn’t lie). Later Natalie went to the HOH room to find another Pandora’s Box door. Natalie was offered a chance to spend time with a love one, it was her boyfriend Jason. Natalie said she’d do anything to spend time with him. The price was to give up playing in the veto competition!

Natalie chose to give up the veto comp, possibly screwing Kevin over, to see her boyfriend. She only had five minutes with Jason, and he proposed to her. Her answer was “Hell yeah!” It was the most romantic moment in “Big Brother” history . . . . NOT. (Seriously, it seemed faked and scripted for TV, really).

Of course Jason had another offer from “Big Brother.” She got an extra 15 minutes and a sushi dinner with Jason. The price? The rest of the house was annoyed by three unwelcome visitors. A big baby chased Kevin and Michelle around crying that he wants his mommy. Then a little person dressed as a cat showed up and he copied everything they said. The final visitor was a giant roach spraying Jordan and others with a can of bug spray.

After the visitors left, Natalie decided not to tell the others what happened, but the others came up too soon and saw another Pandora’s box door. She said she got screwed and opened the box, and lost the ability to play in the veto. They however wanted to know what was behind the door. She started making up some huge lie about what some offer they made her and she took. Oh wait Natalie doesn’t lie . . . The “story” she made up was some silly “Final 2 Reversal” deal, which means if she gets to the end and she is voted to win, she loses. Or if she is voted 2nd, she wins. Everyone looked at her like “What?”

Kevin knew she was a being a big fat liar, and Natalie realized she was caught. Later Jordan and Michelle talked with Kevin, they all knew she was lying. They knew nobody would take her to final 2 with this deal. Natalie came out and asked them all not to ask her anymore about Pandora’s Box. (Probably because she doesn’t lie, therefore she didn’t want to tell anymore lies to cover up the lies she’s told. Wait I mean stories!)

Kevin refused to believe the “story” Natalie was telling and confronted her privately. Natalie then decided to pretend her lies were just a fun joke she was playing on everyone. She then told them all she was just pranking them, that they all got punked by an 18 year old (another story!). She came out and told them the truth about her boyfriend and the proposal. They honestly weren’t sure they could believe the tomboy who cried wolf.

Kevin was furious in a diary session, thinking if she could lie about this, then she’s probably been lying about other things including her name.

The nomination ceremony was held, with Natalie dressed up in her STUPID QUEEN NAT outfit. She put Kevin and Michelle on the block. She claimed she put Kevin up for strategic reasons, she duped him and she would beat him by getting him out before he could get her out. She then told Michelle she nominated her for personal reasons, she’s a backstabber and a liar (funny!). She said if she made a deal with Michelle, it was a deal with the devil. (BTW, based on the feeds, Natalie went way further in her noms speech and it was way edited for TV! She went into “Jerry” territory from last season, blasting Michelle on religion)

Natalie told us in her diary room session that her target was Michelle, and she was pulling one over (i.e. lying to and planning on backstabbing) Jordan by taking Kevin to final 2 with her.

America, it’s time for us to vote for our favorite houseguest and give them 25K in cash! Every single houseguest is eligible, vote at for free! The winner will be announced on the finale September 15th.




  1. Hi Dustin,
    I have to say that I’m sooo glad Natalie was the way she was tonight. It was perfect because now there is no way she will make it and win this game. She has to win HOH to go to final 2. Kevin, Michelle and Jordan will vote her out and she will have lost the game. I can’t stand Natalie and she could have possibly went to final two with Kevin if she was the greedy little b***h that she is. She made my day today 🙂

    Comment by Nikki
    09.06.2009 at 10:35 pm
  2. Dustin…LOVE the title for tonight’s recap!

    After tonight’s episode, and after some more “false seed planting” going on tonight in real BB time, I’ve decided that Nat reminds me of one of my co-workers. My co-worker lies so much, she pretty much has convinced herself that everything is true. I’m seriously beginning to wonder if this is some kind of mental wellness issue with Nat (not saying this to be disrespectful at all…just an observation). I really think she believes what she says. Everyone, especially the JH folks who can compare notes without her nose in everyone’s business, knows she’s been dishonest about certain things. She is constantly announcing that she has never told a lie, and I’m beginning to wonder if she’s living in a fantasy world or something. It’s one thing to say it in the house with other HGs, but some of the comments she’s made in the DR don’t match up.

    I was very surprised to see it really was her bf for the Pandora’s Box. Her story, even for that, kept changing every time she talked about him, so I thought that was just another lie too.

    I think she’s going to be really surprised to see how much the viewing public dislikes her when the show is over.

    Comment by Holly
    09.06.2009 at 11:06 pm
  3. Welcome to the final two Kevin and Jordan. Uggh why every year do I end up hating the way BB ends

    Comment by Erick
    09.07.2009 at 1:52 am
  4. Why do we end up hating the final two because it is not who we liked almost always. And we have lost the eye candy of late who we really want around (at least for us ladies)

    Comment by CGinCA
    09.07.2009 at 1:49 pm
  5. Holly, I have a coworker like Natalie too! Anything that happens, she lies about what went down and actually believes the lies she is telling. I think the illness you are looking for is pathological liar! Plus if you ever call them out on their “stories” they always play the victim…lol. It always seems that BB ends with 2 people we hate in the end, the ones we like never seem to make it.

    Comment by Marie
    09.07.2009 at 3:04 pm
  6. What sealed it for me, with something not being quite right with Natalie, was her justification for Chima’s actions the night she was ejected. When she said something to the effect that Chima’s microphone “slipped” out of her hand, knowing that their actions are being recorded from many different angles, that was an obvious hint that she really doesn’t know the difference between fact and fiction.

    Can’t wait to see how the final HOH ends up playing out. Jordan has repeatedly outlasted K/N this season…fingers crossed that some kind of miracle happens!

    Comment by Holly
    09.07.2009 at 5:00 pm
  7. i hate kevin’s lips!!!!!! I want to pop him in the mouth ever time he pops his lips or says bizznitch.

    Comment by smoore
    09.07.2009 at 11:57 pm
  8. So I just watched Sunday’s episode and all I can say is that was the most unenthusiastic response to a proposal I have ever seen. Natalie did not seem excited at all. I’m pretty sure I would be thrilled if my boyfriend proposed to me. And who says “you know you can’t take this back” when they get proposed too?

    Comment by kiki15
    09.08.2009 at 9:25 am
  9. Her HOH Tweets came out today, and once again show why people are annoyed by her actions lol.

    Iv’e played this game with as much loyalty, integrity and honesty that the game allows

    I hope to continue with my same game play throughout the rest of the game

    Comment by Dustin
    09.08.2009 at 6:57 pm
  10. I completely agree kiki! I was shocked by her reaction! The boyfriend was pretty much in tears and she just seemed like, “Whatever.” It was so strange!

    Comment by Kiersten
    09.08.2009 at 7:28 pm
  11. Saw an article today online…BB’s viewership was cut in half for Sunday’s show…6 million people who have been regularly part of the 12ish million watching each week did not watch on Sunday night.

    And seriously? That’s what she tweeted? She seriously needs help!

    Comment by Holly
    09.08.2009 at 8:27 pm
  12. I just read Nat’s HOH blog…it’s even more vomit-inducing.

    She thanks her fans…if only she knew hahahahahahahaha

    She says Michelle played a dirty game and crossed the line in lying…Pot meet kettle!

    And she tries to justify playing as an 18 year old…personally I don’t think she’s acting a whole lot…she’s just using it as an excuse to get away with her regular immaturity!

    Ugh…PLEASE let Jordan win at least one part of the HoH!

    Comment by Holly
    09.08.2009 at 8:39 pm

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