Big Brother: Pandora’s Box And The Veto

Big Brother: Pandora’s Box And The Veto

Posted by Dustin on 09.01.2009 at 9:54 pm

Kevin found a mystery door in his room. It was to open Pandora’s Box, which would release 10K dollars to the house. The catch? He had to stick his hand in this box to do so. Upon doing so, he was trapped! The others saw 1 dollar bills raining down in the backyard and went to collecting. Eventually Kevin got Natalie’s attention and told her she had to find a key to unlock him. She just ignored him and got more money. When he got Jeff’s attention, Jeff found the key, but kept going on to get money! Eventually they unlocked Kevin. Everyone got to keep what money they were able to collect, with Jeff coming out the big winner at about 3K. Kevin came out of the whole thing realizing he couldn’t trust natalie at all.

The Veto comp was then held, which involved them doing a face matching competition. The faces were morphs of two of the guests, turned into an alien, and they had to guess who the two faces. The one who solved all puzzles with the fastest time not only got the veto, but a complete high-def home video system. Of course queen of the veto Michelle won.

Kevin and Natalie reveled in the fact that Jeff would go home this week, but they knew they had to get Michelle out. Natalie swore she’d win next week, but Kevin knew Natalie hasn’t won a damn thing so far.

Jeff and Jordan realized their showmance was over. Michelle later told Jeff she wanted him to stay, she could get Kevin to keep him. Jeff thought he was out of options. Jeff didn’t want to run around campaigning like an idiot. Michelle said all Kevin is concerned about is not going home next week. Jeff said there was no way Kevin would put Natalie up and Jordan would have to go. Michelle said yes and she’d talk to Kevin.

Jordan meanwhile felt she had failed Jeff, she knew he brought her to this point. She said he deserved to be here over her and she wanted him to fight for votes. Jordan felt he had a better shot at winning than she did.

Michelle talked to Kevin and proposed a final three deal with her, him and Jeff. She claimed Natalie would take Jordan to the end over either of them, and Natalie is friends with too many people in the jury house.

In the end, Michelle saved herself and Kevin of course put up Jordan against Jeff, sticking with his weak aliance with Natalie.

Say hello to the block next week Kevin and Natalie, cause Natalie sure ain’t going to win HOH!

Here is hoping Jeff finding the key gives him some special power. There is a rumor going around it will give him the diamond veto, only played once before in “Big Brother.” It gives the holder the ability to replace one person on the block and allow them the sole vote to evict.




  1. Ok I have to say they had their showmance was more friendship than romance (at least from what I saw), plus he really isn’t that nice Jordan at all. Here’s to hoping they do give him that diamond veto thing but I really think it’s the end of Jeff as much as Kevin keeps claiming he doesn’t know what to do and blah blah he always sticks with Natalie

    Comment by Just Wondering
    09.02.2009 at 9:03 am
  2. I find it funny how people were crying fowl when the whole wizard power thing was coming up, saying if the geek won that the producers set up the whole thing to set up drama. Wouldn’t the same thing be in play here if the key all of a sudden gave Jeff the diamond veto? I really doubt that the key will have any sort of special power, and if it does it is because the producers want to keep more drama in the house. However, I guess people do like it when things go the way for the nice people in the house.

    Comment by BB
    09.02.2009 at 10:47 am
  3. I hope it does do something because Natalie had the first opportunity to find the key and she chose money over the key. Jeff was smarter in the sense that he found the key, got more money, and then let Kevin out.

    Comment by Becca
    09.02.2009 at 10:55 am
  4. I don’t think the key does anything because of that fact, too many people will think it’s production tampering with the show again (and everyone knows they do that secretly enough through the DR sessions)

    Comment by Dustin
    09.02.2009 at 11:54 am
  5. There are laws that govern what can be and can’t be done on these type of shows. Timings for mergers, team shifts and special power events have had to be know by production before a show begins ever since the whole game show rigging of TV’s early years. All that production can do is ask leading questions and construct a story by showing video clips out of order or in the case of BB have house guests dress like they did days ago to give the appearance of those comments being said at a different time for dramatic effect.

    Comment by Erick
    09.02.2009 at 12:30 pm
  6. I just really don’t want Nat to win, anyone else left I’d be okay with winning. Just not Nat, cause all she’s good at is running her mouth lol.

    Comment by Dustin
    09.02.2009 at 12:36 pm
  7. I also have a feeling Kevin might finally wise up by tomorrow night. Michelle will vote to keep Jeff, Natalie to evict him, and Kevin has to break the tie.

    He’s gotta finally realize if he wants to make it to final 3, keep Jeff and oust Natalie. Otherwise Michelle is going to send him home next week.

    Comment by Dustin
    09.02.2009 at 12:40 pm
  8. I’ve heard the HGs, on two or three separate occasions, mention that the Pandora’s Box thing, or the meaning behind the key, was NOT over. What they mean by that…who knows, but this was long after that all happened.

    I was very disappointed that they didn’t get into the Alien stuff that happened the other night. Like in past years when they’ve had former HGs or ghost-type people appearing in “mirrors”, they had aliens in connection with the Veto comp. I was watching AD the night it happened, and at one point, the HGs weren’t being shown the alien, but you could see his reflection walking by the window that the camera was behind. It was creepy and funny at the same time!

    If Natalie makes it past next week, I’m going to be very disappointed. Fingers are totally crossed that somehow she goes home tomorrow night!

    Comment by Holly
    09.02.2009 at 5:49 pm
  9. YEah I saw a few Aliens in mirrors too.

    I know the houseguests (re Nat and Kevin) have been worried the key will give Jeff another power. Well if it does, Nat has only herself to blame lol. She ignored Kevin to get more money!

    I hope Kevin realizes Natalie sucks, which he’ll probably realize when she loses HOH to Michelle or Jeff/Jordan (whichever stays).

    Comment by Dustin
    09.02.2009 at 6:10 pm
  10. Okay something seems to be going on. Was watching the feeds, Kevin and Nat went to HOH to talk. Nat said something like “They (production?) needed an answer, but this was an option I don’t even want to consider.” Then the feeds got cut.

    Comment by Dustin
    09.02.2009 at 6:51 pm
  11. It has something to do with the Pandora. The feeds came back, they were talking about something about “the prize being taken back.” Kevin said “I’ve never seen Big Brother not give the option of not playing a game.”

    The feeds keep getting cut as they are talking.

    Some are speculating that Big Brother is going to pull a “Crazy James” option like they did a year or so ago with Russell. IE their choice is to evict J/J and Russell returns, or keep J/J. The reason being is on this past week, Russell was NOT greyed out on the show opening like the other houseguests.

    Comment by Dustin
    09.02.2009 at 6:57 pm
  12. Okay it’s looking like in place of voting someone out (and keeping Jeff and Jordan) they are being offered the chance to steal all the prizes won by the houseguest of their choice so far.

    Oh that is cold lol.

    Comment by Dustin
    09.02.2009 at 7:17 pm
  13. Cold…yes…but if it keeps J/J both in the house, with a higher chance to get rid of Nat the Rat next week…then I’m all for it!

    Comment by Holly
    09.02.2009 at 7:29 pm
  14. Jeff and Michelle talked to Kev about sending Jordan home, but why didn’t the talk to him about sending Nat home. That would heve been thebest for all even Kev.

    Comment by smoore
    09.02.2009 at 7:35 pm
  15. They tried to offer him a deal to get nat out, but the moron wouldn’t do it, then too late realize Nat is a loser that is going to get him evicted next week most likely lol.

    Comment by Dustin
    09.02.2009 at 7:36 pm
  16. Based on what’s been on the feeds today, it sounds like Jeff is pretty sure he’s going home. I thought he was aware of the possible deal to keep him there, so I guess it sounds like Nat has decided NOT to take any deals and send Jeff home.

    Comment by Holly
    09.03.2009 at 6:51 pm

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