Posted by Dustin on 08.01.2009 at 2:26 pm
Not that it should come as a shock, but HBO ordered a third season of “True Blood.”
They also renewed “Entourage” as well as “Hung.” I’ve really tried to like “Hung,” but so far I’m just not into the show at all I have to say.
A New Housewive/Husband On Wisteria Lane?
Posted by Dustin on 08.01.2009 at 2:25 pm
John Barrowman revealed on a UK Radio Morning Show that he was headed to Hollywood to meet with producers about a role on “Desperate Housewives.” John isn’t a huge name here in the U.S., but he’s fairly well known in both the U.K. and Canada for his role on the hit show “Torchwood,” which has only recently found its way to the U.S. via BBC America.
Source: Guardian