Big Brother August 11: The POV Ceremony

Big Brother August 11: The POV Ceremony

Posted by Dustin on 08.11.2009 at 10:03 pm

This is just a quick recap of what happened, mainly cause most of this drama has been in spoiler feed posts and I feel like I’m repeating myself πŸ™‚ Yes, I know some people don’t like to read spoilers. I will add a few things from “The Feeds” and “After Dark” not shown.

Chima and Russell continued to butt heads, with him picking a fight with her calling her a racist for what she said about Braden on TV. She called him a terrorist as he terrorized everyone in the house. It was a huge shouting match with everyone just watching.

The POV was played, with Kevin winning the power. Russell knew he was really screwed and tried some last ditch effort to save himself. He told Jessie he should try and get Jeff put up, should Kevin use the power of veto, as he would have a better shot at staying. He also said if he leaves, so does Jessie’s chance of winning, as Chima controls all the women in here.

Jessie, looking to kiss the wizard’s butt, told Jeff and Jordan immediately what Russell did to Jeff. He hoped he could dissuade them from using the power (should they have it) and send him home.

Not shown was a talk between Jeff and Jordan. Jeff misheard or Jessie mispoke (not shown) that Jordan was there when Russell said this to Jessie (which we saw she wasn’t). Jordan didn’t remember this conversation at all (cause she wasn’t there!). Neither knew if Jessie was lying or not (because he had consumed a bottle of wine and was plastered this night!)

Russell decided if he was leaving the house, he was going with a bang. He set his sights on Lydia and Kevin, putting issues in Lydia’s head as to how good a friend Kevin was if he wouldn’t save her. She and Kevin had a huge fight. Not shown was a deal they worked out with Chima, Nat and Jessie before hand where Kevin wouldn’t use the veto and they would all vote Russell out. Kevin was furious that Lydia went and told Russell the plans. HE was looking out for their best interest in the long run, yet she spills her guts to any guy in this house. Also not shown (maybe Thursday?) was that Kevin took Lydia up to Chima again and they all settled this (again) that everyone wanted Russell gone.

Jeff gave a DR Session saying he still had the power and Thursday was his chance to get out who he wants. Whether he’ll use it or not, we’ll find out!

Americas Vote for what the Have/Have Not’s will have next week are as follows: You can vote for free at

Jalapenos and Peperoni
Kim Chi and Squeeze Cheese
Sweet Pickles and Anchovies


Lindsey Haun Joins True Blood

Lindsey Haun Joins True Blood

Posted by Dustin on 08.11.2009 at 5:41 pm

Lindsey Haun posted on her Myspace Blog that she’s filmed three episodes of True Blood, playing Sookie’s cousin Hadley Hale. There is no word as to her storyline on the show yet.

Lindsey is an actress as well as a singer. She was formerly the lead singer of the band 7th Fall but has since gone solo.

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True Blood

Army Wives: How Rude Michael!

Army Wives: How Rude Michael!

Posted by Dustin on 08.11.2009 at 5:38 pm

Another slow somewhat filler episode in my opinion. A quick summary before moving on to some thoughts.

Pam lost her wallet, which she didn’t realize until she went off base. Trying to get back on with no ID, even though everyone knew who she was, was a problem. She spent the whole episode looking for it, only to find out Lucky had stolen it and buried it along with half the neighborhoods’ things.

Joan continued to struggle with the fact that she had to leave Sarah Elizabeth behind as her deployment date was fast approaching.

Michael had a talk with Frank. He knew Frank had his orders to return, and he knew Frank liked being in the field. However he was coming to the end of his third tour. Michael offered him the spot of his G3 (I think left vacant by Evan) and Frank quickly accepted.

Denise was thrilled at the news that he wouldn’t be deploying again, and that she hadn’t wrecked his career. Michael and Claudia Joy had them over for dinner to celebrate, but Michael was as cold as ever to Denise. Claudia Joy lectured him later on his behavior, saying how rude he was.

Denise came to see Michael and told him she was sorry for what she did, she always would be, but she wasn’t going to spend her life apologizing. She said she and Frank are moving on. She told Michael she’d limit her interactions with him except when necessary for official appearances or duties. She said she would always be Claudia Joy’s friend, but she didn’t have to be his. She stormed off and Michael went to Claudia Joy. He said she was right, he was rude and it wouldn’t happen again.

A drifter showed up at Roxy’s looking for work. Roxy gave her some, feeling the woman was somehow familiar. Viola had decided to bring in a live band that week, and Roxy heard the woman singing along while they were practicing. She finally figured out who the woman was, she was Shelby Lynn, a recording artist from her home state of Alabama. Roxy loved her and always wondered what happened to her. Shelby had a falling out with her family, and when her record label went broke, she just faded away.

Shelby had come looking for her long lost son, who was supposed to be stationed at the base and might be heading to Iraq soon. She had him when she was sixteen and gave him to her sister to raise for her. She called him Johnnie, and she had a photo of him as a toddler. That was the last she heard of him until recently. It wasn’t much to go on, and try as she might, Roxy couldn’t find him. Shelby had to move on, but Roxy promised to contact her if she found her son.

My Thoughts
I was so happy that Denise stood up to Michael. If Frank could forgive Denise and they could move on, I don’t see why Michael couldn’t. He was acting like he was the one wronged here, not Frank. It was good to see Denise get her oomph back.

The only other thought that kept going through my mind was that Shelby Lynn would turn out to be Trevor’s mom. I can’t remember his back story. I thought he had no family, or was from a foster home, saying Roxy and the boys were his first real family.

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Army Wives

Dirty Sexy Money Series Finale

Dirty Sexy Money Series Finale

Posted by Dustin on 08.10.2009 at 8:27 pm

So this weekend was the “Dirty Sexy Money” finale. I loved this show, but I hated the way things were left. For those who missed it, you can catch it online at I’ll quickly summarize what happened.

Nola headed to China to rescue her brother after Simon was stabbed and stuck recuperating at the Darlings. She told Jeremy, who proposed, that she wasn’t coming back. Jeremy ended up going to Vegas with some girl (who I think just worked for Tripp, I don’t know who she was) and they got married. When Nola had a change of heart and returned to be with him, oops too late!

Patrick ended up in a love triangle with a gay senator and his wife. Well the husband liked Patrick, while he liked the wife and was determined to be with her, even though the senetor demanded he stop seeing his wife. Patrick promised her that he would do what it took for them to be together.

Lisa signed a deal to write a tell-all book about the Darlings, which infuriated Nick. She tried to win him back, and when Karen saw her kiss him, she got upset and fell down the steps, losing Simon’s baby. Nick however chose her, telling Lisa it was too late for them, and he wanted to be with Karen.

Brian remolded Nick’s apartment with Letitia’s help. He was living with Nick as the wife kicked him out after it seemed Brian slept with his ex-wife while on a business trip (I don’t think he did, but I’m not sure).

The big shocker was when Simon spilled the beans to Nick, assuring him he was not the bad guy here, and he was being controlled. He began to tell Nick everything, how this all began. He was a student of Nola’s father, and it was her father that came up with the bio-fuel. The father wanted to share it with Simon, going into business 50/50. Simon got greedy and framed him for sedition, hid Nola’s little brother and used her to his advantage. However when Trip hired Dutch to dig up dirt on Simon, that’s when Dutch found out Simon stole the bio-fuel. Dutch was the one who was controlling Simon, he forced him to have Nola prosecute Letitia for his murder. Yup, Dutch is alive and out there somewhere!

And thus, this is how it ended and how we were left.

Infuriated doesn’t begin to describe how I’m feeling! I am at least happy we got confirmation that Dutch was alive, something many of us began to figure out. However to be left with some of those cliffhangers and never knowing how things will play out . . . Grr! I especially hated how things were left with Lisa feeling all high and mighty. They really turned her into a real . . . witch . . . and I could easily have seen her being knocked off in the third season.

I loved this show, it was one of my favorite shows of the past year. It was a great guilty pleasure. It was also a breath of fresh air from the million and one reality shows, Law and Orders and CSIs dominating the airwaves. However these days if the show doesn’t fit into a formula already existing, it seems its chances of surviving aren’t good. It makes me not wanna invest in new shows this fall, because everything I like never seems to survive!


True Blood: Godrich The Good

True Blood: Godrich The Good

Posted by Dustin on 08.10.2009 at 5:30 pm

As usual, first a quick recap, then some quick thoughts.

In Dallas, Sarah shot Jason with a paintball gun to get revenge. Steve told her that Jason was working with his sister to set them up, and she feels him using her the way he did was part of the plan. When he found out the church had Sookie, he was over Sarah and took off.

Eric arrived to rescue Godrich, but Godrich didn’t need rescuing. He asked Eric to take Sookie and leave, but harm no one. However the church members surrounded them and began the lockdown. Eric offered himself up if Godrich and Sookie would be let free. He was bound to an alter in silver chains.

Bill and Jason both finally arrived. Bill clobbered Lorena over the head with a chair to escape, while Jason snuck into the church claiming he was on a mission from Steve. Jason shot Steve in the head with the paintball gun he took from Sarah. This distracted Steve enough to let Bill get to Sookie, and Sookie to Eric. The other Vampires showed up, ready to kill Steve and the members, but Godrich stopped them all. Godrich claimed there had been too much blood shed, and asked the people of the church if they were really ready to die for the crazy ideals of Steve? They weren’t, and Godrich said everyone should leave. Steve was still ranting as Jason told him off. Steve said Jason would never go to heaven. Jason said he’d already been there . . . when he was inside his wife!

At Godrich’s compound, a party was thrown to celebrate. Godrich admitted to Eric he could have gotten away on his own, he could have killed everyone, but he didn’t. He said the humans are right to fear them because they are scary, they have to learn to coexist.

Lorena showed up and Sookie met Bill’s maker. She and Lorena had a cat fight and Lorena was about to kill Sookie when Godrich stopped her. He said Sookie had done more than most humans had for them, he would not have her treated like this. He said if humans and vampires could not learn to get along, then basically they were all doomed. He then banished Lorena from his district. Bill saw her out, as she cried to him she still loved him and they would see one another again some day being that they were immortal.

Back in Bon Temps, Daphne’s body was left at Merlotts and the cops called, setting Sam up. Sam found himself taken to jail where half the town was as well for doing things they had no memory of doing. Andy tried to defend Sam, saying the zombie orgy people were going to sacrifice him the other night, he was one of the good guys.

Meanwhile Eggs worried as he had another blackout, he lost several hours. As Tara tried to comfort him and tell him it would be okay, Maryann served up dinner. She made some stew with Daphne’s heart and fed it to them! It made them slap each other over and over as their eyes went black and Maryann laughed.

Hoyt and Jessica made love, but Jessica soon learned that as a vampire virgin, she would always heal . . . down there. She felt she was a freak and was destined to be a virgin forever.

Back at Godrich’s, Luke showed up at the party with a message from Steve. Strapped to his body was a bomb, as well as tons of silver chains!

My Thoughts
I was just starting to like Sarah, thinking maybe she’d break away from Steve and see “the real light,” only to find myself disappointed in her. I don’t know how she convinced herself that Jason was using her when she was the one that pursued him! She’s just trying to ease her guilty conscience.

Jason once again had the best line of the evening when he told Steve that he had “had” his wife, in the biblical sense! Go Jason!

I really liked Godrich. He was creepy, yet good-hearted at the same time. It seems like no other vampire yet has that. Sure Bill does, but he also has the tendency to still kill for Sookie or lose control. Godrich was in control, I loved his speeches about how they had to get along. With the explosive ending though, something tells me that won’t happen . . . and that Godrich probably won’t be around for much longer.

I remained annoyed that Tara still hasn’t figured out that something bad is going on and it all leads back to Maryann. Even Eggs seems to finally have his suspicions that something really wrong is going on, but Tara almost seems blinded to it. I don’t like this weak-willed Tara!

Finally poor Andy, nobody believes him yet he is the only one that is right. I hope somehow he gets to be a hero in the end, and show everyone up that he isn’t just some crazy drunk.

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True Blood

Big Brother: Chima Nominates . . .

Big Brother: Chima Nominates . . .

Posted by Dustin on 08.09.2009 at 8:53 pm

Tonight was Chima’s nominations . . . but first what happened before them.

Chima won HOH and was thrilled. Lydia prepared to go up as she knew Natalie would convince Chima to put her up, as she hated her (and vice-versa).

Jeff, in his diary room session, said Chima may have HOH, but he’s in control. He loves this power, he’s going to use it (so he says) even though it will make enemies . . . but he says he’ll use it wisely (he has said in comments if he ever got HOH he’ll put Natalie and Jessie against each other since nobody else has the guts to do so, and if nobody does they’ll skate to final 2).

Chima got her HOH room and got a letter from her mom. Her mom is sick, she simply told Chima she was getting better and has hope from her doctors. (We don’t know what her illness is.)

Michelle went to kiss some HOH butt to save her own. Chima confided that Nat and Jessie are in her ear and they want Russell to stay, but she has to do what benefits her. She wants a woman to win, so why not put one of the strongest men up who has wronged her.

Russell came to see Chima to apologize, worried he would go home. Chima admitted she said many times should she get HOH she would send him home, he must know that by now. Russell claimed they had a personal issue and it spiraled out of control. He is sorry, but she claimed she had a hard time trusting her.

Chima talked to many in the house about the fact that she was raped, and she survived it, and she wants to do something to help others out there. (Side Note: her rapist was found and convicted based on DNA evidence from what I’ve been told/read)

Jordan remained worried about her safety. Jeff tried to assure her that they’d be okay, admitting keeping his power from her was hard for him.

Jeremy Piven showed up to visit. He was part of the food comp (aka Have Have-Not comp). For the competition the back yard looked like a car-lot from the 70s. The houseguests chose teams and had to fill their old station wagon with items from the backyard. Those who filled them with the most valuable items (point wise) would win. They had to be able to close the car and get the whole team in the car as well.

Russell, Natalie, Jessie and Jordan were the winning team and got to see the new movie “The Goods.” Chima also got to see it as she bet their team would win. Sadly Jeff, Michelle, Lydia and poor Kevin (2 weeks in a row!) ended up as the “Have Nots.” Russell was the big winner of the comp, he won 10K.

Jessie became a big paranoid mess because of the “Wizard Power” (what they are calling Jeff’s power) and was worried he would go home this week.

Chima’s nominations finally came around and she put up Lydia and Russell. She claimed she put up Lydia because she wanted to make sure she couldn’t vote to keep Russell. Russell was up and she told him it should be no surprise to him, because she she couldn’t trust him.

I’ve posted tons of spoilers in posts below, you can find out who wins POV and what happens with it, should you choose to πŸ™‚


Ways To Follow This Blog . . .

Ways To Follow This Blog . . .

Posted by Dustin on 08.09.2009 at 6:07 pm

I wanted to make a quick post on ways to follow the blog (aside from the web) as I’ve added a new feature this weekend.

Aside from visiting it via the web, the other “old school” way is to subscribe to the feeds. You can do this through a feed reader (Google, Feedburner for example) or simply bookmark in your browser the appropriate feeds. In the lower left corner under the “Meta” heading you can find the “Entries” and “Comments” feeds to bookmark via your browser (or add to a feed reader).

Months ago I set up a “Twitter” account which you can use to follow the blog. You can find my “Tweets” in the side bar on the left, as well as a link to the Twitter page there (to use to follow). Anytime a new blog post goes out, so does a tweet with the link (these don’t appear in the side bar though).

Finally this weekend I added a check box to the comments form for each post. If you submit a comment and check the box, you’ll be notified of additional comments to that post. You’ll get these via email, and there is a link in the emails to manage your post-subscriptions as well (should you not want to get further emails on a post). Every post times out and closes to new comments after 30 days of no new comments, so you won’t get random emails in a year via this plug-in πŸ™‚

The only thing I haven’t added yet is a way to be notified via email for new posts (mainly cause twitter or a feed reader do just that).

Post Note:
I had to remove the “email followup comments” temporarily. The plugins I tried weren’t working well, so I’m looking for a new one!

Post Post Note: In order to get the “email to followup comments” subscription working I had to change settings on the blog that require people to put a valid name/email into their posts to get a comment posted. I had this unchecked, but almost every blog/site uses it. Your emails are never posted publicly!

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Site Announcements

Big Brother: Week 5 Veto Comp Results!

Big Brother: Week 5 Veto Comp Results!

Posted by Dustin on 08.08.2009 at 5:42 pm

The veto competition was played today. Read on if you wanna know who won the veto (and who Chima put on the block).

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Mummy Star Joins Medium

Mummy Star Joins Medium

Posted by Dustin on 08.08.2009 at 12:50 pm

Oded Fehr, best known to fans from The Mummy I & II, will play a doctor on “Medium” this fall that apparently had some kind of interactions with Allison while she was in her coma. Yeah, that sounds creepy . . . hopefully it’s not!

Source: The Insider

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Big Brother: Chima’s Nominations . . .

Big Brother: Chima’s Nominations . . .

Posted by Dustin on 08.07.2009 at 2:27 pm

Chima, the new HOH, will make her nominations today. I’ll post them below when known, but from the feeds we have an inclination as to who is going up . . . (I’m watching live now)

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