Big Brother: Kevin Is The New HOH!

Big Brother: Kevin Is The New HOH!

Posted by Dustin on 08.30.2009 at 8:54 pm

“Big Brother” started off tonight finishing the HOH comp that was started last Thursday. Kevin ended up winning the HOH.

Michelle broke down, knowing she was alone and probably going on the block. Jeff meanwhile felt he was safe.

Kevin got his HOH room and a letter from his boyfriend, who all the girls were going gaga over.

Kevin and Nat made Jeff feel falsely safe and that Michelle was the target this week. Kevin however realized everyone wanted Michelle gone and would love him if he was the one to oust her.

Kevin played a little love match game, trying to quiz Jeff on the type of girls he liked and how Jordan stacked up. Ironically she didn’t do all that well!

Kevin had a talk with Jeff, basically telling him that he had to put him on the block because if he put Jordan up and Jeff won and saved Jordan, then he’d have to put Natalie up and risk her going home. Jeff wasn’t pleased, but Kevin swore he was not his target. Kevin soon began to second guess himself and wasn’t sure what to do.

In the end, the nominations were held and Kevin put up Michelle and Jeff. He claimed he was only nominating them because they were the strongest players in the house, this wasn’t personal.

Tuesday will be the POV (already a post spoiling it if you want to know) as well as the revelation of what is behind a mystery door in the HOH room.




  1. So what else have you got? Where did you post the spoiler? I didn’t see it below in the comments.


    Comment by jeremy
    08.30.2009 at 8:58 pm
  2. So Jordan is up with Jeff now and Jeff is most assuredly going home, man did I call this or what, stupid stupid Jeff why didn’t you get them out when you could now your ass is grass, man will Jesse be happy when he walks through the doors

    Comment by Just Wondering
    08.31.2009 at 4:02 pm

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