Big Brother: On The Block And POV
Everything in this post has been posted in comments in the previous “Big Brother” post, I’m just bringing it all into one concise place. Read on for the spoilers . . .
In spite of Jeff saving him the week before, Kevin went back on his word to Jeff (and stayed true to his DR session to stab Jeff in the back) and put Jeff and Michelle on the block.
Kevin claimed to Jeff that Michelle was his target, and the reason he was putting him up against her because if he put Jordon up and Jeff won veto, he’d save Jordan, Nat would have to go up and he was afraid she’d go home.
Last night the veto was played. It involved some kind of game where the house guests’ faces were warped and they had to ID them all. Michelle ended up winning the veto!
This of course means Jordan will go up, and Jeff has assumed at this point he’s going home. He’s been in a bad mood all day.
There is still this secret room that showed up last week, which nobody knows what the deal with it is. Some say Jeff has found the key to it.
All I know is at this point, I do NOT want to see Nat in the final 2 or anywhere close to winning this game. She’s done nothing but run her mouth the whole game!
I am so so with you and as much as I like Jeff part of me is like that’s what you get for being such a moron, still frustrates me, he had it all set to eliminate those 2 one after another and he fugged it all up
08.29.2009 at 10:32 pm
i hope that key unlocks the door that saves jeff this week!!!
i know jeff is a moron and sooo stupid in his decissions!! but id rather see jeff win then that idiot lying loser Nat!!!!!!
if nat ends up in the final 2 with kevin it will be BB6 all over again!!!!!!!!!
remember maggie and evette? they were the final 2 with maggie winning!!!
please lets hope if jeff does get evicted that michelle or jordon gets hoh!!! then at least one of those idiots will be gone kevin or nat!!! cause if nat gets hoh next week all is lost!!
08.29.2009 at 11:06 pm
It looks like there is a glimmer of hope! Game talk is happening, and lots of side deals are being proposed.
The best news is that Kevin is finally realizing Nat probably has no plans to go to Final 2 with him at all.
So here is hoping they can convince Kevin to put Nat up should Michelle use the veto on herself!
08.30.2009 at 2:16 am
That would be amazing but I think that even if he realized Nat was a total dud he would still get rid of Jeff first because he knows Jeff is his biggest threat. I really hope Nat does go up but I really really really doubt that will happen
08.30.2009 at 8:23 am
Does the key jeff found have anything to do with the secert door? and do the other house guests know he found it? I haven’t heard anyone talk about it on bbad
08.30.2009 at 11:10 pm
The door had a box behind it and figured into some kind of weird lux competition. Kevin stuck his hand in it, was trapped by the box and then cash started raining down in the back yard. Everyone was grabbing cash, but a key was hidden in the house that would free kevin. Jeff found it. At this time it also unleashed aliens appearing in the mirrors of the house supposedly.
08.30.2009 at 11:20 pm
(Dustin) So then the key won’t save Jeff?
08.30.2009 at 11:30 pm
Some speculate getting the key might give him another power or something.
08.31.2009 at 12:39 pm