Big Brother: Evicted On August 27th and The New HOH

Big Brother: Evicted On August 27th and The New HOH

Posted by Dustin on 08.27.2009 at 8:52 pm

The show started up with a recap of the week’s events. Natalie and Kevin’s scheme continued, and they planed to get rid of Russell as well as hopefully win to put up Jeff. Jeff of course thinks he made a deal with them to keep himself safe next week.

Michelle feared if she didn’t win HOH that she would go out the door this week.

Jeff and Russell got into a huge fight in the backyard. Russell warned Jeff he better win this game, because he’d beat him up if he walked into the jury house. Nat brought Jordan into the fight. The entire fight had to have every other word bleeped out basically.

Kevin was propositioned by Russell to make a deal to keep him and oust Natalie, but Kevin wasn’t sure as it was a scary move.

Russ continued to make it uncomfortable in the house, and told them all they couldn’t trust Jeff as he’d put every single one of them up.

Before the vote, we saw Jessie’s time relaxing in the jury house. We also saw him reunited with Lydia! She told him she was mad at him, did he think they wouldn’t compare notes? OF course as she called him a lying sack of . . . she was hugging him and being all cutesy. JEssie then learned that Chima went nuts and was kicked out of the game.

The live vote was held, but first Julie revealed there would be no more have-have not’s for the remainder of the summer.

The two nominees were allowed to plead their case. Natalie basically said she’s loved being on the show, and she assumed that she was not being evicted from what she was told, so thanks for keeping her. Russell was flabbergasted by Natalie’s speech. He said to everyone good luck, they are all amazing.

Jordan, Kevin and Michelle all voted to evict Russell, making his demise unanimous. Russell gave everyone hugs on the way out and then talked to Julie.

Russell revealed to Julie that he would have kept the final four deal and then teamed up with Michelle to take Jeff and Jordan out. He said he knew Jeff was smart to do this, and he was trying to get Jeff riled up to say things to incriminate him.

The HOH comp was held. The houseguests had to race back and forth with a cup of hot chocolate, filling their bowl, floating a marshmallow to the top and out the bowl. It will be a long night before we know who the new HOH is! I’ll post the new HOH in the comments when I find out!




  1. Whoever said they would make this competition an endurance one so Natalie could win was right one the mark, I was hoping Michelle would get HOH but she is not very good on anything slippery

    Comment by Just Wondering
    08.27.2009 at 9:13 pm
  2. Well so far Nat is sucking at it lol. You’d think being the champion fighter she is she’d have coordination . . . she doesn’t! Kevin is in the lead it seem, from what I can tell.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.27.2009 at 9:19 pm
  3. Argh that is not good news to me, I really don’t want either of them in power, I want them both out

    Comment by Just Wondering
    08.27.2009 at 9:31 pm
  4. is the rumor correct that Kev won the HOH

    Comment by Rocky
    08.27.2009 at 9:52 pm
  5. Nobody has won yet, but unless he falls and breaks an ankle he will win.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.27.2009 at 9:59 pm
  6. The feeds are gone, so we can assume Kevin has won an they cut this so we don’t see him winning (save it for the live show).

    Comment by Dustin
    08.27.2009 at 10:10 pm
  7. Kevin wins HOH!

    Which means Jeff and Jordan are probably going up, unless he stays true to his deal and tries to backdoor Jeff.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.27.2009 at 10:28 pm
  8. hey, that is the worse news kevin winning 🙁
    i so wish that jeff would of smelled a rat which is nat and kevin and sent that girl home!!! now as i fear jeff will be going and he has his self to blame and i cannot wait for Russ to gloat in the jury house when jeff arrives hahaha who knows jeff or jordo could win the veto!!!
    kevin owes jeff so maybee he’ll put up michelle and jordo but then its back door time for jeff:(

    Comment by Erik
    08.27.2009 at 10:41 pm
  9. If Kevin was smart he’d realize Nat is a crappy partner and ditch her for Michelle lol.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.27.2009 at 10:55 pm
  10. From the sounds of it, it looks like Kevin wants to put up Michelle and Jeff…with Michelle getting voted out next week. While I wish Michelle or Jordan would have won this competition…I won’t cry if Michelle goes to the Jury and Jordan and Jeff are still in the house!

    Comment by Holly
    08.27.2009 at 10:58 pm
  11. I hope jordon wins it all.

    jeff was atupid.

    “with a passion”

    Comment by smoore
    08.28.2009 at 10:56 am
  12. At this point I just don’t want to see Nat win, anyone but her and I think I’d be okay.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.28.2009 at 11:34 am
  13. I agree with you, Dustin. Of the 5 left, I want Nat to win it the least!

    The best case scenerio for this week will be if Jeff and Michelle go on the block, and Jordan wins the veto. She can take Jeff down, then Kevin is forced to nominate Natalie.

    Fingers crossed for a comp that Jordan might do well with!!!

    Comment by Holly
    08.28.2009 at 1:43 pm
  14. I didn’t even think of that Holly, but that would be terrific, here’s to hoping that things play out in that order, come on Jordan (or Jeff if he puts up Jordan and Michelle)

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.28.2009 at 6:22 pm
  15. It looks like Kevin is putting Jeff and Michelle up, claiming he wants Michelle to go home.

    However his reasoning if Jordon is up, Jeff will save her, natalie will go up, and he is worried they’ll send Natalie home.

    JEff is a bit miffed because he saved Kevin last week and wasn’t to go up as part of their deal.

    I suspect a backstabbing of Jeff this week lol.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.28.2009 at 7:16 pm
  16. Spolierrrrrrrrrrrr

    Kevin put jeff and michelle on the block!!

    they had a 12am veto comp lastnight and michelle won the veto!!
    so now the only option is to put up jordon or nat in michelles place cause she would be stupid not to use it on herself!!

    all i can say about jeff is start packing 🙁

    jeff had a chance to get rid of a stronger player then Russ and thats nat!! hes a Moron!! now when he gets to the jury house, Russ will be laughing his head off and hey i don’t blame him one bit!!!

    Comment by Erik
    08.29.2009 at 10:13 am
  17. Oh come on…don’t let Jeff go home!!! Didn’t Julie mention something about something affecting the HOH this week…. I hope it’s $$ to bribe Kevin…he knows he can’t win it all so hopefully he’ll take the $$ & Jeff will be safe…( i can wish cant anyway I hope something happens that will keep Jeff in….remember a few seasons back when those two girls were the final two & everyone hated them….its a repeat if Natalie makes the final two!!!

    Comment by NZ
    08.29.2009 at 2:08 pm
  18. I’m pretty sure Jeff found the key to the secret room but no one knows what the key is or what it does. I read it in the updates somewhere…but I don’t know many details. I really hope it gives him another special power that might somehow make it so that Nat goes home this week!

    Comment by Holly
    08.29.2009 at 3:33 pm
  19. Holly I hope you are right!!

    Comment by NZ
    08.29.2009 at 4:42 pm

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