Big Brother: The Veto Changes Everything

Big Brother: The Veto Changes Everything

Posted by Dustin on 08.25.2009 at 10:16 pm

This is a VERY short recap of tonight’s show, basically because I’ve been sick as a dog the past two days. I haven’t even been able to watch feeds or after dark (hence the lack of posts).

Basically Jeff was paranoid about Russell and “the lie” that Nat and Kev told him, which was more of a stretching of the truth. That and the fact that Russell voted for Jessie to stay when he saved him from the block with the power.

Russell was just as paranoid that he’d be put up if the veto was used, and Michelle was her usual “non-committal” self to anyone.

Natalie and Kevin hoped Jeff would stick to the plan to use them as pawns to backdoor Russell. Kevin said in a diary session that they would stab Jeff in the back first chance they got. To his face, they promised him that if Russell went home, and they were HOH next week, he would not go up (which means Michelle and Jordan would).

The veto game, hosted by Casey’s voice, was played and Jeff won. Jeff then used the veto on Russell, who swore to make Chima look like an angel this week!

Personally, I am torn. I don’t think Russell could be trusted, and to get him out is a good move. At the same time, clearly Nat and Kevin can’t be trusted either.

Jeff now has too much riding on Jordan or Michelle winning Veto. Michelle would put up Kevin and Nat is my thinking. However Big Brother likes to feed the drama, so I expect this HOH to be an endurance competition, and with Jeff unable to play and Russell possibly going home, Nat could win it.

The flip side is if Russell convinces Kevin and Michelle to keep him, they can turn the tide against Jordan and Jeff. I think he’d have a hard time getting Kevin to vote for him honestly.

Oh the drama!

Side Note: I removed the “Recent Comments” from the side bar for the time being. This will keep spoilers off the main page 🙂




  1. BAsed on what I got to see of the feeds today . . . .


    Russell has done himself in. He’s been fighting with Jeff (and Michelle and Jordan). Jordan was in tears at one point and even Kevin felt bad for her given how Russell attacked her.

    It also looks like Nat and Kevin are positioning themselves as final 4 with Jeff and Jordan, suggesting they get Michelle out next, as nobody trusts her.

    I have a feeling Nat the mastermind is gunna end up the loser with Jeff, Jordan and Kevin as the final 3 at this point.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.26.2009 at 7:38 pm
  2. I really hope you’re right, although I am now really hoping that Michelle wins this HOH or veto she doesn’t deserve this

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.27.2009 at 8:20 am
  3. They cant take Kevin or Nat to the end with them, they filled the jury house with peeps from Kevin’s and Nat’s side. BB has a history of being unlike Survivor, in Survivor the final two gwet votes out of respect for game play and being out played, in BB bitterness tends to motivate votes so Jeff and Jordans only chance is to be next to each other

    Comment by Erick
    08.27.2009 at 12:53 pm

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