Big Brother: Evicted On August 20th and New HOH

Big Brother: Evicted On August 20th and New HOH

Posted by Dustin on 08.20.2009 at 8:56 pm

Tonight was to be the live double eviction, but with Chima gone earlier than planned, we waited for Julie to tell us what was going to happen. The houseguests equally were wondering how things would play out as well.

We got some background info first, as usual. Jordan told Natalie she was a pawn, but told the diary room she reserved her right to change her mind at any time.

Russell and Michelle thought they were safe because Jordan didn’t make her move and put them up.

Natalie confronted Lydia about how many times she and Jessie hooked up. Lydia then began spilling the beans, and we saw some video of what was going on. Natalie heard the story, we didn’t, and Natalie was grossed out! (It involved a Clintonesque story and a sweatshirt let’s just say.) Kevin told them both that Jessie played them both. He wanted to sleep and kicked them out to hash this out elsewhere. Natalie and Lydia finally realized Jessie was a jerk.

This is when they came up with a plan to create drama aimed at Russell and Michelle. They decided to tell Jordan that they overheard Russell and Michelle discussing getting Jeff out.

Kevin tried to kiss some Jeff ass and told them the lie, that Russell told Michelle they had to use next week to get Jeff out. Jeff bought it, but what Kevin didn’t know (and they didn’t show) was that Russell and Michelle did have a talk (they made a final 2 deal and discussed Jeff going at some point).

Jordan was told by Jeff what Kevin told him, and they had to discuss backdooring Russell. (The post before this one “Confrontation 3, 4, 5?” discusses all the drama from Jeff and Jordan confronting Michelle and Russell if you want to read it).

Julie went to the living room where the guests were all waiting. Lydia and Natalie were both on the block, and Julie asked various questions. Lydia swore up and down that she was over Jessie and if she went to the jury house that Jessie would have an angry pink-haired lady to deal with.

Julie revealed tonight they would have the Veto comp, the Veto Ceremony, the Eviction, and then the new HOH comp all live!

Before the live comps, Natalie got her phonecall from her dad. Her dad and her boyfriend Jason watch every show together.

The POV game was played with everyone playing but Russell. It was a “before or after” game based on things that happened in the house. Jordan won the POV, so she could actually change her nominations should she choose to.

The POV meeting was held, but right before Kevin spoke to Jordan and Jeff in private, and Jordan made a face! I think Kevin told them that Natalie started the lie drama he told them. The two nominees made their lame speeches, knowing Jordan wouldn’t use the veto on them probably, which she did.

The live vote was held, with the girls pleading their case before the vote. Nat said she is by herself now, no alliances, no deals, she hope’s they’d keep her. Lydia simply said vote for the houseguest that will serve their games the best.

Jeff, Russell, Michelle voted to evict Lydia.
Kevin voted to evict Natalie.

With the vote against her, Lydia was evicted of the house.

Julie of course spoke with Lydia before the HOH comp. Lydia said she only wants to see Kevin win, and she said Nat was more like an annoying kid sister than her friend this week. She also admitted she was ready to leave the house, she’s not sad. She also swore Jessie was going to need ice packs this week.

The HOH comp was played, and the game involved a recycling theme where they had to try and drop aluminum cans into a small tube from way up high. It looked to be a long night, and I’ll update as soon as I know who the new HOH is from the feeds.

*Update* It looks like the feeds won’t return till midnight, after the show airs on the west coast. Grrr!

*Update 2* Feeds are back! I’ll put the HOH in the comments if people want to know (when I figure out who it is).




  1. All i can say is jeff is a Fool!!!!!!!

    nat is a stronger player and lydia is a weak player lol
    any idiot in there right mind would want nat out!!!! i dont like lydia either but nat is a stronger player what could jeff be thinking?

    i hate to say this but i will, it will serve jeff jordon michelle Russ right if nat gets hoh and sends one of them packing!!!

    i just cannot believe why they believed Kevin and nat and made a deaL WITH her like making a deal with the Devil!!!

    if nat and kevin skate to the final 2 well jeff you have yourself to blame for convincing everyone to keep nat :0 what do you all think? am i overReacting? i still like jeff and jordson just a bit psssted lol

    Comment by Erik
    08.20.2009 at 9:13 pm
  2. Worst move every by the all keeping Gnat! I was really hoping that Kevin was ratting her out before the vote.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.20.2009 at 9:16 pm
  3. Hey Erik….I agree with you. They made such a mistake not kicking Nat out tonight. She’s actually a threat in the game. Lydia isn’t. I hope Nat doesn’t win HOH. But if she does, it will serve Jeff right for making a boneheaded move!

    Comment by Becky
    08.20.2009 at 9:18 pm
  4. POssible HOH SPOILER!





    I THINK Jeff won the competition, I’m not sure. But he’s very happy, and he just said to some Buddah Statue that appeared in the kitchen what kind of beers he wants.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.20.2009 at 9:45 pm
  5. Hey Becky, you are so right nat is the biggest threat!! all lydia was was a pain in the Ass lol Not a thread, the Woman couldn’t even win at anything hahaha so jeff was litally making a deal with the girl that will eventally send him to the jury!!!

    what i hope happens tonight, that Russ gets HOH i like him, i didnt in the beginning but the guy has told the truth most of the time and even tho he may want jeff put not until later!! kevin is liar cooked up by nat!!! if Russ wins hoh, good bye nat i hope!!!

    Comment by Erik
    08.20.2009 at 9:45 pm
  6. hey Dustin, if jeff won that is great news even tho he doesnt deserve it after making a bonehearted move lol but i think Russ will be put up aloneside kevin!! if Russ is put up i hope he doesa lot of Ass kissing this coming weekend and week haha

    Comment by Erik
    08.20.2009 at 9:48 pm
  7. I think Kevin, if he didn’t rat Gnat out, definitely will now in a move to save his own butt 🙂

    The feeds just went back to Trivia. I think maybe BB realized they put them back on before it’s aired on West Coast?

    Anyways, SPOILER!

    It’s confirmed, Jeff won.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.20.2009 at 9:53 pm

    its oficial Jeff is HOH!!!!!!!!!!

    i guess jeff and Jordon are safe this week 😀

    i hope that this time jeff makesa good move and finds out that nat and kevin are playing him like a fidal and send nat packing!!!!!

    its your chance jeff Don’t fawk it up lol

    Comment by Erik
    08.20.2009 at 9:53 pm
  9. thanks Dustin 🙂 i forgot to put Spoilerrrrrr

    Comment by Erik
    08.20.2009 at 9:58 pm
  10. Not a prob lol, I figured someone might get upset 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    08.20.2009 at 9:59 pm
  11. i live on the westcoast and love to be Spoilerrred hahaha my BB comes on in an hr 😀

    so i can get mad now then when im watching, i might break the tv hahaha joking!!!!

    Comment by Erik
    08.20.2009 at 10:04 pm
  12. THank you So much for all this information!! My power went out last night for 3 hours!!! So I missed the live show. Thanks again for this awesome site!

    Comment by Kelly
    08.21.2009 at 7:13 am
  13. I just have to correct one thing people seem to be mistaken on: Natalie has won NOTHING. Lydia had won NOTHING. Neither is a strong player. One is extremely unstable and makes life hell in the house , one just smells. One has an extremely close alliance with someone, one is a loner (who basically latched onto lydia and kevin this week). One tried to cut a deal, one just wallowed in self pity. Jeff made the logical choice.

    Comment by Kole
    08.21.2009 at 1:34 pm
  14. Natalie won the first HOH actually, but Jessie got it because of her.

    In comparison to each other, Lydia was weaker. She was annoying, but weaker. As Jeff put it, she was always without fail the first one out of almost every competition.

    If they have an endurance HOH, which has to be coming, Natalie could be a contender if they don’t get her out. I have a feeling they are gunna Backdoor Russell though.

    Russell and Michelle are on slop, and everyone is afraid Russell will snap on it.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.21.2009 at 1:37 pm
  15. Russel and Natalie won that HoH for Jessie. It wasn’t just because of Natalie. I think her stamina and strength is highly overrated. Lydia and Kevin’s strategy had been to lose competitions.

    Meh – I’ll be happier when their both gone.

    Comment by Kole
    08.21.2009 at 2:00 pm
  16. If the producers don’t want to see Nat in power, then they’ll involve spinning in the next endurance competition. She was one of the first ones out of that one a few weeks ago.

    I really hope that Jeff makes a good move this week. I really want to see Nat out before Russell. And then I’ll be wishing there were feeds in the Jury House because I can just imagine what would be said if Jessie, Lydia and Nat were the only three in there!

    Comment by Holly
    08.21.2009 at 7:04 pm
  17. Spoilers
    Nat and Kevin are on the block, good choices I hope it stays that way seeing either of them leave would make me happy although I’d be happier with Nat gone

    Comment by Just Wondering
    08.21.2009 at 9:31 pm
  18. Spoilerrrrrrrrrrr

    Jeff put up kevin and nat!!!!!!!

    i so hope his plan isnt to back door Russ!!!!!

    cause if nat or kev gets the veto and takes themself off, jeffs only options is jordon michelle or Russ as a replacement nom!!!

    i so hope nat goes to the jury next week!!!!

    Comment by Erik
    08.21.2009 at 9:33 pm
  19. You guys really need to make sure you space out your spoiler stars. Especially if people don’t want to know spoilers– you can see them in the side view!

    Comment by Kiersten
    08.22.2009 at 3:44 pm
  20. Spolierrrrrrrrrrrrr who won veto below!!!!!!!!!!

    surprisenly turn of Events jeff won the veto 😀

    so the question remains will he use the veto to take nat or kevin off?
    he would be so stupid too cause if he does and he takes say nat off and puts up Russ, Russ will know he’s being backdoored hahaha
    so if i were him id leave nom’sv alone and if he wants nat in the house so bad lol then send kev to the jury!!! either one i cannot stand so if one goes thats still good news but hopefully its nat!!!

    Comment by Erik
    08.22.2009 at 9:52 pm

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