Big Brother: The Confrontation Part 3, 4, 5?

Big Brother: The Confrontation Part 3, 4, 5?

Posted by Dustin on 08.19.2009 at 9:54 pm

First, it definitely looks like because the double eviction show has been ruined (Thanks a whole lot Chima!), they are playing the veto live tomorrow, holding the eviction live, and then the next HOH game.

Read on for the drama going on right now 🙂

Thanks to Natalie and Kevin’s “lie” (which ironically wasn’t really a lie to their surprise); Jeff, Jordan, Russ and Michelle are having it out.

Kevin told J/J that he heard Russell and Michelle discussing how to get Jeff out.

Michelle, confronted first, claimed Russell did mention it, but she doesn’t really remember when (they made a finale 2 deal is what was really said, with talk about J/J going out at some point).

Michelle quickly kissed J/J ass the last few days, assuring them she’s final 3 with them.

Jordan has been wanting to confront them for days, Jeff has been more cool about it.

However realizing the veto is live, they finally had the talk.

Michelle has quickly sided with J/J, but admits she and Russell made a final two deal. She still keep saying Russell might have said something about getting Jeff out, she doesn’t know when (the lie was that he wants Jeff out ASAP).

Russell claims he made a final 2 deal with Michelle, he has nobody else in the house to make that deal with, he can’t hold that against him. Jeff said Michelle is on his team, she’s told him everything, they are talking about 5 Mill dollars.

Jeff is trying to figure out what Russell said and if Russell wants him out right now or not, if their final four deal is crap. He also points out how Russell’s vote for Jessie last week was just nuts (Russell said he gave Jessie his word, he wouldn’t go back on that, he has kept his promises in this game).

Jordan keeps saying they just need to make it to final 4 and then worry about killing each other off then. That is what she wants them to focus on.




  1. I really hope those four can just get their heads on straight and get rid of the other three. I’m not a super huge fan of Michelle and Russell, but I dislike Lydia and Natalie more. If Michelle truly can’t remember half the stuff she’s said, then I wish I could be a fly on the wall when she goes back to watch some of the shows to see she really did say a lot of the things she has said/denied saying.

    Comment by Holly
    08.19.2009 at 11:22 pm
  2. It looks like Jeff and Jor don’t trust Michelle or Russell much anymore . . . . Jeff wants to keep Nat safe this week! WHAT! Guess we won’t know till tomorrow’s show.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.19.2009 at 11:37 pm
  3. Oh Jeff don’t be a moron I really hope the veto is not used on either of them, come on think it through, you need Kevin and Natalie gone at least before Russell then it’s pretty much every man for himself

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.20.2009 at 8:47 am

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