Big Brother: Say So Long To Chima!
So tonight was the big Chimagate episode finally. Most of what we saw, was shown on “After Dark/The Feeds” that night. She refused to wear her microphone, refused to go to the DR, cursed the producers out and destroyed her microphone in the jacuzzi. We also saw how since the first week she also disobeyed rules like going to the diary room when told, obstructing cameras as well as talking back.
Other little things the edited out of the live show? Well Chima was sitting on the washing machines (shown) because Jeff had been trying to do laundry all day and she (and I think Nat and Lydia) kept hogging the machine. They were doing their laundry over and over. She was making sure Jeff wouldn’t get to do his laundry. She also took Russell’s rosary beads and messed with Jeff’s clothes. That night the girls were stealing stuff (hot sauce) as well and Jordan was afraid they would do something to their stuff with it.
When Alison (the producer) came on is when the feeds got cut. When they returned it was after everyone had been told Chima was gone and they were discussing her leaving. Chima saying she wanted to leave (which was shown) is where the uncertainty that first day came in as to whether she quit or was kicked off.
Natalie was ready to quit that night, she was furious and blamed Jeff and Michelle for pushing Chima over the edge. Lydia and Kevin had to talk her down. Everyone else couldn’t believe how they were acting and this was a game!
The next day Michelle learned basically because one of her people was evicted, her duties as HOH were done. They would play a new game immediately.
The new HOH game was based on a golf game that was originally to be the veto competition. It was round after round, with the worst person being eliminated. It also included prizes, which they chose and could then steal from one another. In the end, Jeff won a trip to Hawaii, Russell a spa day, Natalie a phonecall home, Lydia the red unitard and Jordon HOH! (I forget what Kevin won, I don’t think anything).
Lydia was the next to flip out, saying how everything was unfair, how she hated that they sent Jessie home and that they were responsible for Chima leaving. She was screaming and cursing. She initially picked a fight with Jordan at the end of the HOH comp, calling her a whore and Jeff’s little puppet. She even tried to flip the kitchen table that night after going postal. Eventually she calmed down and arrived in her uniform along with fuchsia colored hair. (What we didn’t see was the producers gave her the hair dye to try and calm her down!)
Jordan had to put two people on the block. She nominated Lydia, as she kept saying she wanted to be sent home; as well as Natalie, because she was a strong player.
In real time the veto comp STILL hasn’t been played. The houseguests have figured out that this week was supposed to be a double eviction, so they think that perhaps the veto will be played live on Thursday, followed by the live veto ceremony and then eviction, finally the new HOH will be played.
i guess the BB fast forward on thursday won’t happen cause Chima was kicked out and instead the veto and ceremony will and one person will be evicted and sent to the jury!! no double eviction after all cause Chima was sent home litally lol chima tweeted that she quit but as we know she is a liar and a sore loser!! she was kicked out!!!
i cannot wait to see what julie thinks about all this hahaha
08.18.2009 at 11:00 pm
Kevin won $5000 in the competition!
Julie talked about the Chima situation on yesterday morning’s Early Show…I think the YouTube clip is still around.
It cracked me up tonight how Lydia, when Natalie was getting all worked up about Chima and blaming Michelle, was saying Chima is an adult and made the choice to break the rules and it’s no one’s fault but her own. Then two days later, she’s crying foul and how everything that’s happened is everyone else’s fault. I wish both of those girls would just grow up, get over the Jessie-obsession that they both have, and act like adults.
I absolutely love how Jeff let Jordan win. I really like him. He was my favorite before the season started (purely based on looks…I can admit it), but he’s becoming one of my favorite all-time HGs. He totally gets the game but he understands the human side of it as well. I love how he is with Jordan too. I don’t think it will happen unless they can pull off some kind of miracle, but I’d love to see those two in the finals. Even Natalie admitted the other night that Jordan could really use the money over most of the other people in the house!
08.18.2009 at 11:35 pm
I think this link will take you to the YouTube clip of Julie on Monday’s Early Show discussing Chima.
08.18.2009 at 11:40 pm
Did you hear when nat, kev, and lyd were talking about chima being kicked out
nat was like – it was all wrong cause lyd should have went home and they would have been like this is for jessie and lydia
lydia was like – yeah!
Why is she playing a game for some one else to win. She is mad over two people being evicted that should have been her.
i already liked jordan, but after her letter i really hope she wins.
08.19.2009 at 7:34 pm
By Derrik J. Lang, The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES – Chima Simone is saying she’s sorry – but not for getting kicked off “Big Brother 11.”
The 33-year-old freelance journalist is apologizing for calling a houseguest of Lebanese descent a terrorist.
Last week, the show depicted Simone, who was kicked off the CBS reality series last Saturday for multiple rule violations that had nothing to do with the name calling, feuding with Lebanese-American mixed martial arts fighter Russell Kairouz.
At one point during the heated exchange, Simone said Kairouz was a “terrorist because you’re terrorizing everybody in the house.” Kairouz retaliated by calling Simone, who is African-American, “the true racist.” Fans watching the live Internet video feeds have reported that harsher words concerning the Sept. 11 attacks were also uttered by Simone.
“I used a phrase that was insensitive given his Middle Eastern descent, and I apologize to all who are justifiably offended with my use of that racially charged term,” Simone wrote in an email to, the celebrity gossip Web site where Simone appeared in videos as a host and red carpet reporter before entering the “Big Brother 11” house.
This doesn’t mean she’s apologizing to Kairouz.
“Russell constantly demoralized many of us on a consistent basis and his conduct was alarming, daunting and terrifying,” Simone wrote. “Fortunately, for me, I do not have to be subjected to those tirades anymore. I am going on with my life in the real world. I wish the remaining ‘Big Brother’ housemates the best of luck!”
Simone was expelled from “Big Brother 11” after refusing direct orders from producers to wear a microphone and then tossing it into the backyard’s whirlpool spa. “Big Brother” executive producer Allison Grodner announced to the houseguests that Simone needed to be eliminated from the show for multiple rule violations.
08.19.2009 at 9:14 pm