Big Brother: Tape Delayed And Chimagate

Big Brother: Tape Delayed And Chimagate

Posted by Dustin on 08.16.2009 at 9:16 pm

First off, “Big Brother” was delayed tonight thanks to golf and then “60 Minutes” going over. I am taping it, but had to turn it off for “True Blood.” Grrrr!

We learned that the eviction last week apparently wasn’t live after all. That, or they were showing bits of info we just didn’t see (IE during commercials or when Julie was talking).

Chima of course was fuming at Jeff, while Nat was calling him a liar and going back on his word to vote Russell out. Jeff said he didn’t vote, so he didn’t lie! He explained that Jessie and Nat were skating to the final two, none of them would get that money or had a shot, he now at least made it possible for everyone in the house. He also ranted that “their side” was just angry because they’ve lost control of the house and finally know what it’s like to see a friend walk out the door.

With Michelle as HOH, nobody knew what she’d do. Russell knew she had to kiss some ass, while Chima was determined to get Michelle to put Russell up cause it was what she wanted.

Jessie’s widows had a going away party for him, drinking and crying. As Jordon put it, it’s okay when they vote one of their side out, but not the other way around. Jeff and Russell didn’t get them, they acted like Jessie was a saint and that he’s dead.

I wish I had Jessie's Girl!

Kevin, in his diary session, said “O M G these girls are acting like Jessie got hit like a mack truck.” He said Jessie wronged them all, putting Chima on the block, voting against Lydia when she was up, and he was pissed that Kevin didn’t vote Natalie out over him! He didn’t understand how quickly these girls forgot all that.

Kevin Can't Stand It

Michelle revealed to Russell, Jordan and Jeff her target was Chima, that Chima had to go.

The “Have Have Not” game was played, in which they all worked together to win food and other stuff for the house for the week. They were put into teams of two for the game and had to taste test things and make matches of two of several casseroles. It appeared that whatever was won, was what they got to eat that day. Poor sport Chima seemed to slow the game down for everyone. After 10 minutes they had to see if they matched up everything. They won food for everyday but Monday, and they got a BBQ grill as well as no cold showers. They didn’t win a steak and lobster dinner though.

I had to turn the show off at this point for “True Blood,” but it is recording. From what I was told, we saw Michelle put up Chima and Nat, and Tuesday is Chima’s big meltdown and escort out of the house.

Post Note: I finally finished the show. Natalie basically said exactly what Jeff said . . . she hasn’t had to feel unsafe until this very moment . . . cause she had Jessie protecting her!

Poor Chima

Big Brother tells us to tune in Tuesday when one contestant self destructs and is removed from the game. Hmmm who could it be 🙂

Double Post Note: Some extra feed caps I grabbed so you can see some of Jessie’s Widows new hairdos. I certainly hope Lydia is still working on Nat’s hair, cause friends don’t do that to other friend’s hair! Then again, they are fighting over Mr. Pectacular.




1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Tonight’s show was soooo disappointing! I was hoping for some action and instead wanted to vomit! I really want Natalie knocked off her high horse this week. I think really has herself convinced that she hasn’t lied to anyone (um…your age was lie #1) and that they protected Jeff because Jessie didn’t nominate him when he could have (um, no he couldn’t have since they were still in cliques). She gets on my nerves! I think the only reason why Lydia wants to be voted out is so she can go have more “relations” with Jessie in the Jury House without so many cameras watching them!

    I was yelling at the TV when Kevin was saying all those things in the DR. If only he had the “you-know-whats” to just say those things to those girls. They are seriously pathetic!

    Comment by Holly
    08.16.2009 at 11:59 pm

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