A Quiet, But Boring, Big Brother Day

A Quiet, But Boring, Big Brother Day

Posted by Dustin on 08.16.2009 at 5:18 pm

First up, a bit more on “Chimagate.” The Examiner spoke to Chima, who insists she was not evicted from the show, but left on her own, and the producers want people to think they kicked her off.

Tonight’s show is said to address “Chimagate” as the promos people have seen are calling it “the most explosive moment in Big Brother history!”

Now for some meager spoilers, read on . . .

Lydia is stuck in the red unitard, which says “Captain Unitard” across the front. It has cold hot pants and a black cape as well. She’s dyed her hair a fuchsia color almost.

Russell and Michell made a final two agreement with each other.

Natalie and Kevin have come up with a story to present to Jeff in order to form a final four agreement with him and Jordan. They are going to claim they overheard Michelle and Russell strategising to get Jeff out of the house.

Other than that, the houseguests slept almost the entire day, and now they are outside just hanging out and being fairly calm.


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