The House Has Been Turned Upside Down! A New HOH Comp To Be Held Immediatly!

The House Has Been Turned Upside Down! A New HOH Comp To Be Held Immediatly!

Posted by Dustin on 08.15.2009 at 4:31 pm

This post is filled with spoilers, but there is no way to not talk about this openly. Sunday’s show, which should have been Michelle’s nominations, is going to have to be scrapped to air a new HOH competition most likely.

Why you ask?

Michelle placed Chima and Natalie on the block as her noms, and Chima lost it. She disrupted the house, caused major drama and then in the middle of the night quit the show. Chima is gone, left the building.

Today was to be the veto competition, but because of what Chima did, the game has been changed. Michelle has been informed that instead a new HOH competition is to be held. So Chima, in her feeling she had been shafted as HOH, shafted Michelle in turn.

We will have a new HOH by the end of the evening folks.

“Big Brother” . . . . expect the unexpected!

*Update* The “official word” from CBS . . .

CBS Statement Regarding Chima on Big Brother:

“Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show’s jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show.”

*Update 2* Below the fold is the new HOH, and the new HOH’s noms . . .

In the comp that was held, Jordon won the new HOH. This was followed by Lydia and Nat going postal and causing a Chima like ruckus.

The nominations are tonight and Jordan has all but said she’s putting up Lydia and Nat, with Nat as her target.




  1. Hey there

    I wonder if Chima did not make it to the jury house, will they pull someone from the list of evictees to balance out the jury? Like let’s allow Jessie to get into the jury house as last man out.

    This is going to get juicy now. I can’t wait to see chima wig out on national television. Although I am sure they won’t show it. That strong woman, strong willed herself right out of the game… shame…


    Comment by jeremy
    08.15.2009 at 5:52 pm
  2. JEssie is in the Jury house, he was the first. They can’t pull someone else, mainly because they have outside info now.

    I think they’ll have to do something as 6 would lead to a tie, America’s vote?

    Comment by Dustin
    08.15.2009 at 5:56 pm
  3. Spoiler

    Jordan won!!! Could it be more perfect goodbye Natalie I hope!!! They thought they had it all sewn up but Jeff fixed all that, woo hoo!!!

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.15.2009 at 7:45 pm
  4. Jordon won her First HOH wahooooooooooooo

    things couldn’t of worked out better!! if jeff couldn’t win i’m glad its Jordon!!

    now if jordon puts up lydia and Nat things will work out perfectly 🙂
    if one gets the veto, np at least one will go to the jury!!!

    now my question is since Chima Quit or was kicked out and went home not to the jury,i’m just wondering how the producers will do it lol with only 6 juors?

    maybee if theres a tie America will get to vote the winner of BB11!!!

    See Chima really Screwed everyone in that house specially michelle who just won hoh but had to lose it cause Chima went berzerk 😐
    Chima is the worse houseguest in the history of BB i totally agree with jeff on his statement!! well at least we don’t have to listen to that annoying laugh of hers on the live feeds and BB after dark Amen to that!!!!

    Comment by Erik
    08.15.2009 at 8:20 pm
  5. Apparently we are in for Chimagate part 2, staring Lydia, who has gone postal.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.15.2009 at 9:01 pm
  6. ya lydia is just doing this so everyone will vote her Ass out!!

    but to her surprise most want nat gone the other part of jesse haha
    so everyone will tolarate lydia and still vote nat gone provided she doesnt win the veto!!!

    if lydia keeps it up she could be sent packing home just like chima!!
    no jury house just home!!

    i totally agree with jeff, why can’t they just enjoy the experience of even being there instead of being sore sportsand throwing fits lol

    jeff jordon michelle and Russ are the only ones that are playing the game in my opinion!!!

    Comment by Erik
    08.15.2009 at 9:34 pm
  7. There were prizes in the comp . . . from what I can tell . . . .

    Jeff won a trip to Hawaii, Kevin 5K (kevin is making out!) and Lydia the red unitard. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Comment by Dustin
    08.15.2009 at 11:27 pm
  8. ya i saw that red unitard! couldn’t of happen to a nicer person lol
    what will be great is if Nat gets evicted on thursday!! lydia might as well forget about the aliance hahaha what Aliance lol just her and kevin!!

    so glad jesse left then Chima, now its nats turn, things are looking good 😀

    Comment by Erik
    08.15.2009 at 11:53 pm
  9. Chyma will not be in the jury house. If there is a tie, America breaks the vote – according to what they said on the live feeds.

    Comment by Kole
    08.16.2009 at 2:52 pm

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