Big Brother: Michelle’s Nominations And A Veto Glimpse!

Big Brother: Michelle’s Nominations And A Veto Glimpse!

Posted by Dustin on 08.15.2009 at 12:44 am

The nominations were made, and we know what the veto comp entails. Read on . . .

Michelle put up Chima and Natalie, which she said the night before she was going to do.

Natalie thinks Michelle broke the rules, as Michelle told her she would be going up before the ceremony.

Chima still thinks she is gunna have some talk with the producers about cheating (given the way Chima’s acted, I think she should be more concerned with whether she’ll have a job when she gets out given she’s a journalist!)

Lydia is upset, she can’t find Jessie’s wife beater and it “smells” like him.

Everyone was on lockdown inside. When the doors finally opened, they found a funky golf game in the back yard (think a miniature golf set up). Clearly the goal is to see who can come closest to getting a whole in one probably.

The first thing out of Natalie’s mouth (to Lydia) was that Russell is really good at golf and this was done just for him.




  1. Oh yeah, looks like Lydia and Kevin are the have nots. Poor Kevin, 3 weeks in a row.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.15.2009 at 12:47 am
  2. The girls keep moving Jeff’s stuff around too (and hiding it I think).

    Comment by Dustin
    08.15.2009 at 12:48 am
  3. Somewhat spoilerish, but not really, but kinda . . . . . .

    Kevin seems to be playing both sides well. He sees the girls have lost it over Jessie. They are being poor sports as well.

    I suspect it won’t be long till Lydia blows up at her sugarbear, saying he could have voted Natalie out and then Jessie would have stayed.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.15.2009 at 1:03 am
  4. Thanks for fixing my other comment, and I really hope that they get some sort of retribution for moving and hiding his stuff, like come on ladies

    Comment by Justwondering
    08.15.2009 at 8:26 am
  5. Super Super Spoiler…
    Not sure of all the details…I’m away and don’t have feed access or After Dark til I get home tomorrow, but Chima has quit the game. I wonder if they’ll go forward with the double elimination this week or just evict one since they are now one short…and have the potential for a tie with the Jury. Natalie spent a lot of time reading the Rule Book yesterday…I assumed it was to see what they could get away with in regards to messing with Jeff’s stuff. I now wonder if it had to do with a planned departure!

    Comment by Holly
    08.15.2009 at 9:45 am
  6. **********************************

    WOW! I stayed up till 2:30 then had to go to bed.

    Jordan was afraid of what they were planning. They were saying they were gunna pour hot sauce all over Jeff’s stuff.

    Chima, all night long, kept destroying microphones, woldn’t put them on, cursing at the show.

    I think she was trying to get kicked off lol.

    WHAT a sore loser!

    Comment by Dustin
    08.15.2009 at 11:34 am

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