A Major Turning Point In Big Brother!
The Shhhh hit the fan last night! As of yet it’s not quite clear what happened, we should get more answers today. Read on for the twist even Big Brother wasn’t expecting!
Chima is gone! Last night Chima began to go nuts and lead Natalie and Lydia in a revolt. They were taking Jeff and Russell’s things, hiding them, messing with them.
Jeff waited all day to do laundry, the girls kept hogging the machines, putting their stuff through multiple cycles to annoy him.
Jordan saw Lydia take hot sauce and other weird things from the kitchen. She was sure they were going to mess with their stuff.
Chima then began disrupting the show big time. She would not get a microphone on when asked. Kevin brought her one and she wouldn’t wear it. She kept flipping off the camera and cursing at big Brother.
Everyone was miserable, Jeff couldn’t believe they had to put up with this for a week. Jeff called her the most miserable $#%@$% in reality show history!
Apparently at one point (after I had to finally go to bed) Chima threw her microphone into the jacuzzi!
The feeds were cut, a producer came in, and an hour later Chima was GONE! This is where it gets tricky.
Some think she quit, because Lydia was for a second begging Natalie not to quit the game. Russell however said something like “She’s going to have a meeting with legal over this.”
There was mention to the HG’s that there would be another eviction this week, so they think they’ll have to put someone else on the block too. This makes me think that they held an immediate eviction ceremony for Chima late last night simply because of her erratic behavior.
The other option is she didn’t quit, that she was kicked off. There was talk that she won’t even get to be in the jury house either.
We shall find out, they are just being woken up now.
*Update:* Chima apparently left of her own accord, though threw a fit as she did so.
Lydia is now sucking up to Michelle, hoping she doesn’t go on the block 🙂
I really expected this…. To be honest.
08.15.2009 at 1:21 pm
Nobody knows what will happen, lots of speculation as to whether someone will be brought back (one of the first 4, maybe voted back by America) or whether America will get a jury vote.
08.15.2009 at 3:41 pm
Major Turning Point 2?
It looks like Michelle’s HOH week is cut very short. They are going to have a new HOH competition.
Michelle said she just wanted safety, she didn’t care about the room. She also says Chima at least played for HOH last week, she isn’t going to get to play again.
08.15.2009 at 4:13 pm
To me Michelle should be allowed to compete for the next HOH given what happened.
but shrugs will not be happening most likely
08.15.2009 at 4:39 pm