Big Brother 11: Eviction Night With The Wizard!
The stage was set, as was the hype, as the feeds for “Big Brother” have been down all day long. Rumors swirled that they were taping the show early, because they worried Chima might go off the handle on the live show. However when the show began, it was live!
As always, the show began with a bit of a recap of the past week and Kevin deciding not to use the veto to save Lydia.
Russell decided to fight for some votes and get in peoples heads. He was trying to get Jeff and Jordon’s vote, and also tried to get Jessie. Jessie however was a sour-puss because Russell didn’t pick him to play in the veto (which had he won, would make him safe). He also tried to get Michelle on his side. However Jessie went in and confronted him, and they ended up getting into a fight. Jessie told Michelle not to let Russell fill him full of sunshine after he was calling her nuts and psycho last week.
Everyone was still trying to figure out who had the mystery power and what they’d do with it. Natalie and Jessie realized Jeff or Jordan had the power, so they planned to spend the day with them outside hanging out (rather than sleeping which is all they do).
Chima talked about how if Jeff has the power, and he uses it, and Russell stays . . . she will go postal and it will create drama directed right at him.
We went live to the living room where everyone was waiting. Julie of course asked various questions. She said they had all made it to the half-way point. She says people who leave from now on will be a member of the jury of 7 who will crown the winner.
We got to meet Chima’s family and friends and see how they think of her actions. Her grandparents felt she was too personal and ugly and should be a little more civil with people!
Julie talked with Chima before the live vote, and then went to the houseguests and gave Jeff the chance to use the power of Coup D’Etat. Julie asked the guest with the power to stand if they wanted to use it . . . . and Jeff stood!
Julie explained to everyone what the power was, and how Chima and Kevin were the only ones who could not be put on the block. Jeff and Chima would both get to compete in the HOH competition later as well. Jeff took Lydia off and put Natalie up. Then he took Russell of and put up Jessie!
Jeff says he knows they are upset, but this is a game and they run this house, so feel the pain and enjoy.
Jeff and Chima were not allowed to vote, and Natalie and Jessie were allowed to plead their case to the house to keep them.
The live vote began . . .
Lydia and Russell voted Natalie out.
Jordan, Kevin and Michelle voted to evict Jessie.
Jessie goes home thanks to America once again! Julie then gave them the news, and Jessie took the walk of shame out the door.
Lydia was in tears, Chima said “America did it to him again.” Chima was furious when Russell said something about “he kept his word.” She said she and the producers had to have a little talk then (as she thinks Jeff told Russell and thus cheated).
Julie called Jessie out on sleeping all the time and not playing harder to stay. Jessie was sent to the jury house, the first one.
The HOH comp was played, which was a trivia comp based on all the competitions played so far. Michelle became the new HOH!
Who do you think Michelle will put on the block? Natalie is a safe bet, as the two really don’t like one another. Russell could easily be the other one given their bad history.
Next week will be the DOUBLE EVICTION!
All I have to say is way to go Jeff!!!! Man I want to give him the biggest high 5!!! I am also so glad that Kevin who clearly can’t think for himself did not get HOH. I would love for Michelle to put up Natalie and Chima or even Kevin and Chima, I think it’s more important now to get Chima out as Jessie is gone so they need a new leader and looks like she is taking that role, get her out, come on Michelle be smart about this
08.13.2009 at 9:14 pm
I am worried about the Double Eviction, mainly cause that is the chance to get Jeff and Jordan against one another on the block. I know it’s gunna happen eventually though.
08.13.2009 at 9:18 pm
08.13.2009 at 10:10 pm