Big Brother August 11: The POV Ceremony
This is just a quick recap of what happened, mainly cause most of this drama has been in spoiler feed posts and I feel like I’m repeating myself 🙂 Yes, I know some people don’t like to read spoilers. I will add a few things from “The Feeds” and “After Dark” not shown.
Chima and Russell continued to butt heads, with him picking a fight with her calling her a racist for what she said about Braden on TV. She called him a terrorist as he terrorized everyone in the house. It was a huge shouting match with everyone just watching.
The POV was played, with Kevin winning the power. Russell knew he was really screwed and tried some last ditch effort to save himself. He told Jessie he should try and get Jeff put up, should Kevin use the power of veto, as he would have a better shot at staying. He also said if he leaves, so does Jessie’s chance of winning, as Chima controls all the women in here.
Jessie, looking to kiss the wizard’s butt, told Jeff and Jordan immediately what Russell did to Jeff. He hoped he could dissuade them from using the power (should they have it) and send him home.
Not shown was a talk between Jeff and Jordan. Jeff misheard or Jessie mispoke (not shown) that Jordan was there when Russell said this to Jessie (which we saw she wasn’t). Jordan didn’t remember this conversation at all (cause she wasn’t there!). Neither knew if Jessie was lying or not (because he had consumed a bottle of wine and was plastered this night!)
Russell decided if he was leaving the house, he was going with a bang. He set his sights on Lydia and Kevin, putting issues in Lydia’s head as to how good a friend Kevin was if he wouldn’t save her. She and Kevin had a huge fight. Not shown was a deal they worked out with Chima, Nat and Jessie before hand where Kevin wouldn’t use the veto and they would all vote Russell out. Kevin was furious that Lydia went and told Russell the plans. HE was looking out for their best interest in the long run, yet she spills her guts to any guy in this house. Also not shown (maybe Thursday?) was that Kevin took Lydia up to Chima again and they all settled this (again) that everyone wanted Russell gone.
Jeff gave a DR Session saying he still had the power and Thursday was his chance to get out who he wants. Whether he’ll use it or not, we’ll find out!
Americas Vote for what the Have/Have Not’s will have next week are as follows: You can vote for free at
Jalapenos and Peperoni
Kim Chi and Squeeze Cheese
Sweet Pickles and Anchovies
Spoiler – Why the feeds were down
The HGs were given some kind of party to celebrate making it to the halfway point and making it to the Jury House. Even the “Have Nots” were allowed to partake in the food/beverages for the party!
08.12.2009 at 11:08 pm