Big Brother August 6: Feeds and AD Drama
Some various spoilers going on from the feeds and “After Dark.” There has been a lot of fighting lately!
Lydia and Jessie got into a huge fight at some point (last night I think, that’s why she was crying last night) and Lydia told the Diary Room people how she wanted to hurt herself because of him. They told her if she did then she would have to leave.
Lydia broke down and was telling this to Jordan and Michelle this afternoon.
This evening Russell caused drama, calling a meeting and then throwing Michelle under the bus. He said she warned him many of them wanted to back door him next week. He really got the house riled up for awhile. Some thought she was a snake, others thought Russell was trying to cause drama and save himself.
Jessie, Natalie and Chima are still trying to get votes to send Lydia home. They even tried to convince Kevin that Lydia threw him under the bus several times to get his vote.
Ronnie tried to convince Jeff and Jordan to keep him, promising them everything under the sun. He was telling Jordan, with Jessie by his side, how they never said bad things about her when others in the house called her stupid and laughed.
Michelle broke down tonight, Jeff, Jordan and Kevin tried to cheer her up. They all swear they are voting Ronnie out tomorrow, that’s 4-3 votes to get Ronnie out.
Michelle was cut off at one point as she revealed the diary room got her worked up over what happened hours ago, that’s why she broke down. They said she should be sad about what happened and should be crying!
Michelle says if Ronnie is stuck here, the next week will be awful. Jeff and Jordan assure her it won’t happen.
Natalie got mad that Jessie was talking to Lydia, but he was just trying to keep Michelle from talking to Lydia and Jordan and others. He’s trying to convince Chima to smooth things over with him and Nat.
The houseguests keep getting messages played to them from viewers, silly things like “Take a bath” “Stop whining so much” “The people on your left and right are both lying to you.”
Wow…you can also read in detail about the fight on which I just did and I can’t STAND Natalie. How come nobody has called her out as a liar? She’s the biggest one out of them all! And I loved the other week when she told Casey in his message that he thinks of her as an immature 18 year old when really she’s 24 and has a degree so how about that. Um that’s even worse because if people think you’re 18 and immature, now that you’re 24 and have a degree you’re even MORE immature. I feel bad for Michelle. It doesn’t really seem like she’s doing everything they’re calling her out on. Anyway, hoping Ronnie goes home tonight!
08.06.2009 at 10:26 am
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Chima and Russell seemed to have made up last night. She went to talk to him (and Lydia) just as the After Dark was ending. Watched a bit on the feeds. It was clear she just seemed to be covering her own ass for the future I think.
Russell claimed he really hated Michelle, felt she was a liar, and she is who he is gunning for in a big way.
Jeff says if he gets HOH or the power, he will put Jessie and Natalie up, one of them has to go; if nobody steps up then Jessie will go all the way to the end.
Ronnie made a scene late last night, egged on by Natalie of course.
08.06.2009 at 12:31 pm
Love that after they kept playing viewer messages about how Nat doesn’t show and its gross she tried to take a shower and BB wouldn’t let her until they were done with that round of messages. To top it off Chima called her on it telling her something like she’s been nasty this long so a few min wont matter.
08.06.2009 at 12:42 pm
if Jeff gets the special power tonight i think it would be in his best interests to take Ronnie and lydia off the block and put jessie and Natlie on the spot up!!! jessie would leave for sure but again Nat could go and then the power would be used and Ronnie and jessie would still be in the house 😐 might be better to save the power tell next week cause whoever has it can only use it for the two eviction nights only one time only after that, thats it!!! jeff michelle jordon and kevin want Ronnie gone thats 4 and all they need to get rid of that Rat!!! id hate to see Jeff if he has it waste it tonight when Ronnie would be sent packing home not the jury house!!!
then if jeff doesnt get HOH tonight and has the power, and say Chima gets it and puts up jeff and jordon, that week would be the perfect time to take him and jordon off and put jessie and naT ON the block!! but if jessie or nat get hoh tonight then from what i hear the hoh and veto holder are immuned so that would be fawked then lol but at least ronnie would be gone hahaha
08.06.2009 at 2:18 pm
Best bet is to let this weeks nominations stand if he gets it. It takes the pressure off winning HOH and Veto some what. I would love to see Kevin or Lydia win HOH, and anyone but Jessie and Nat get veto leaving the two free and clear to be picked off with the power. Three hours to go and im so nervous that the King Rats wife may have had enough time for her to save him and give the power.
08.06.2009 at 5:08 pm
when you say king rats wife, im assuming you mean Ronnies right?
she would have to vote for Ronniea million times haha for that rat to win the power 😛
i’m hoping all of America voted for jeff so many times!!!
if jeff wins ill be so happy hahaha
getting ronnie out then jessie or nat next week would be a victory!!!
08.06.2009 at 7:14 pm
Why does everyone think because Ronnie said that his wife would be able to pull the votes to get him the power, believe him? I mean this is a game and he has proven he is a rat. Is his wife someone famous or is a computer program. I am just confused as to why people are in an uproar over Ronnie’s wife being able to get him votes.
08.06.2009 at 7:54 pm