Big Brother Feed/After Dark Spoilers: August 3rdish

Big Brother Feed/After Dark Spoilers: August 3rdish

Posted by Dustin on 08.03.2009 at 12:29 pm

Okay so after the jump are some spoilerish bits. It seems something went on last night, something big (a fight, the discovery of another rat, someone new has a target on their back). It stemmed from a few days ago and has been slowing to a boil. I’m not completely sure of it all, or if it got worse after I went to bed. Anyone who also gets or reads feed news is welcome to fill in the blanks in the comments!

First Chima and Russell started getting a little closer, probably because he was now HOH and had a private room. This began a lot of the problems.

During the Veto comp, Chima was the host. They had to dress up like Greek gods and goddess it seems. It also seems some outsiders were brought in, one was an acquaintance of Chima’s, a friend of a friend.

Russell was apparently flirting with this girl during the comp, which didn’t sit well with Chima. Russell’s version is that she got crazy jealous on him and stopped talking to him. Her version as of last night was she could have cared less about that girl.

At some point Russell found Ronnie talking with others in the Splish Splash Room. I think this is what was referenced in his speech last night as to why he put Ronnie up and turned on him.

Chima and Ronnie began comparing notes, it seems Russell has been lying to and playing everyone. Russell made some comment that Michelle was there as well, but Chima and Ronnie knew she wasn’t. Chima said if Russell really heard what they were talking about, he’d have known Michelle wasn’t there.

Natalie showed up at some point and told Chima she should go along with Russell’s story that Michelle was in here for the conversation. Chima said she would not lie to cover up Russell’s lie. Chima thinks Russell is scared, he doesn’t want people talking to Ronnie as they’ll figure out his game. Chima was furious at this point. She said she would stay in the room with Ronnie, as if she went out there and saw Russell, she’d blow up on his ass.

Ronnie has accepted he’s going home this week and gave advice to Chima, how she could go all the way. He told her not to hurt her game by talking to him, it’s okay. She said she sees no reason why she can’t talk to him and be civil. She said everyone in the house but Jeff and Jordan have been talking to him, and they just genuinely don’t like him.

At some point Jessie and Natalie came back and whispered to him. Jessie said he was so sorry about how things went down. He said something like it wasn’t right, and Lydia is currently eating this up because it makes her look good. He told Chima not to hurt her own game by hanging with Ronnie too much, it sucks, but it’s the truth. Chima said Ronnie told her as much but she doesn’t care about what others think, they don’t have to always be talking game.

It looks like Russell now has a huge “Aim Here” sign on his back. Again I ended up going to sleep, so I don’t know if Chima did go off like a bomb on him or not.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Chima went crazy on Russell at about 230am i totally believe Russell. Chima is crazy and needs to leave.

    Comment by armywife3
    08.04.2009 at 1:54 pm

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