Big Brother: On The Block (As Of Now)
Who the new HOH put on the block is after the fold . . . Of course this could change live on Sunday given the new power someone in the house might get to replace such noms!
Note: If anything interesting happens on the feed/AD tonight I’ll add it in . . . (assuming I’m still awake)
Russell, the current HOH, put Lydia and Ronnie on the block it seems. No shock there . . . The shock will be if Ronnie in fact is a pawn to be taken down to backdoor someone else.
Horray horray horray is all I have to say about those choices!!!
08.01.2009 at 10:23 am
SPOILERS ********
It looks like Russell is claiming he wants them to vote out Ronnie, but Natale and Jessie are trying to sway the vote to get Lydia out and keep Ronnie. Jessie isn’t scared of Russell, thinking he can’t play for HOH next week.
08.01.2009 at 11:17 am
With Ronnie commenting on how sure he is his wife will get a group together to vote for him I really hope Jeff can win the Power. Voting lasts until Tuesday at 12 and you can vote for free at the Big Brother CBS page so vote a few times for Jeff if you can plz
08.01.2009 at 12:31 pm
Jessie is positive that Jeff or Jordan will get it. He is desperate to play and win POV to save himself (NOT that it would help would it? I would think the person who gets it would replace noms right before voting, well after POV)
08.01.2009 at 4:40 pm
Dustin, I understand that Julie said that the only way to be safe is to either HOH or to win the veto…so I’m assuming that if you win the veto, you are safe from the “power”….Also, I went to vote this morning for Jeff, and the Big Brother website said that they had technical problems or something…and votes from a certain time would not be counted….I smell FIX !!!!
08.01.2009 at 5:37 pm
Ahh thanks!
For the first few hours of voting, the site was messed up. The photos and names were wrong, so I think they discounted those votes.
Michele won POV, something tells me she’s not gunna use it on anyone either 🙂
08.01.2009 at 6:03 pm
Michelle won’t have the guts to use the POV. She especially won’t use it on Ronnie since he has been annoying the crap out of her since the minute she won. Also it appears she as aligned herself with Jeff and Jordan who definately want Ronnie out. I think whoever gets the coup d’etat will wait to use it next week to see who wins HOH so they can do some damaged, granted they secure enough votes to get Ronnie out this week. Jessie is the only smart one to realize it will probably be Jeff or Jordan that will win the power and become the wizard, as Jordan calls it. I hope the end result somehow leads to Natalie getting evicted because I can’t stand her one bit. I think Kevin is the smartest one in the game but can’t win a competition so he isnt really able to show what he can do. Chima is pretty lame, kind of a sheep.
08.01.2009 at 9:48 pm
Agreed. Was watching tonight when she had the conversation with J/J. All I know is I want to see someone with the balls to put Jessie and Natalie up against each other, and hopefully one won’t win POV.
08.01.2009 at 10:15 pm
Is next week double eviction?
08.01.2009 at 10:38 pm
I don’t think so, but something tells me one is coming up soon.
Jessie and Natalie keep going to the other living room areas to try and sleep and are constantly being yelled at by Big Brother that they are not allowed to.
This has been going on for 2-3 days now. I say their asses go on the block as punishment 🙂
08.02.2009 at 12:30 pm
I hope Jessie and Natalie get punished for sleeping in the living room areas because Kevin ate a grape when he was on slop and Natalie made sure Big Brother was informed immediately. She really has the acting like a high schooler down well but somehow I am pretty sure that is how she is always. SHE NEEDS TO GO. I have a feeling if she makes it to juryhouse she is going to be bitter when it comes to finally time.
08.02.2009 at 4:54 pm
Kevin got a warning, it happened right after they went on slop, he “forgot.” They said if he did it again it was a mandatory nomination.
BB has warned Natalie and Jessie so many times about sleeping it’s not funny!
Frankly I can’t stand Chima, but she was on slop and doom room for 2 weeks. I cannot believe she has not beyotched Natalie out given how big of a baby she’s being (she has a slop pass too, all she has to do is sleep in the cold room!)
08.02.2009 at 6:56 pm
Ok why does it matter if they sleep in the living room or not?
08.02.2009 at 7:38 pm
They aren’t allowed to sleep (at night) anywhere but they bedrooms technically. Plus as “Have Nots” they have to sleep in “The doom room” which is cold and uncomfortable. They are being babies and don’t wanna do it.
08.02.2009 at 7:47 pm
Ahh ok thanks! I get the doom room thing punishment but I really don’t get why it matter if they sleep in the rooms otherwise, oh well I’m sure they made the rules to help build controversy or something so people couldn’t run away from each other, thanks again! And they are being babies, man how I would love to see them go in a double elimination it would be awesome
08.02.2009 at 7:56 pm
Can Jessie please be evicted soon? His behavior towards slop and doom room is annoying!!
08.02.2009 at 8:42 pm
Kevin’s punishment is an extra day on slop.
08.02.2009 at 9:23 pm