Big Brother: Evicted Tonight & New HOH

Big Brother: Evicted Tonight & New HOH

Posted by Dustin on 07.30.2009 at 9:40 pm

I was not home to watch the show live, but did Tivo it. However I sped through it to find out what happened basically 🙂 I couldn’t be patient!

A lot of time was dedicated to the showmance of Jeff and Jordan (which I have to admit is really cute and genuine).

The live vote saw Jeff, Ronnie, Natalie, Chima, Michelle, Lydia, Kevin all voting to evict Casey. Russel was the only one who voted to evict Jordan. BEfore going out, Casey went out with a bang telling Jessie he deserved what was coming to him. Natalie took to Jessie’s defense, of course.

Before the live vote, Julie revealed the “twist.” The cliques were no more! However one of the remaining house guests would be given a mystery power to be used in the next two weeks. Julie said it could change the game and the receiver had to keep it a secret until used. It was up to America to vote for who would get it. Julie said having HOH and Veto were very important this week to guarantee safety. The power can only be used at one of the next two evictions.

Julie revealed to us that the power was the Coup D’etat. The winner could overthrow the HOH and nominate who they wanted on the block! You can vote at for who you want to have it.

The new HOH competition was held. It was an endurance competition where everyone was stuck on swings that spun around The first five out got to pick a prize, one was $5000!

I’m going to try and be better with Feed/After Dark spoilers. Unfortunately I had guests, and then the show just got boring with Jessie’s Crew controlling the house and worshiping at his feet. Here is hoping this new “twist” will heat things up! With no more cliques, people are going to turn on one another and fast!

UPDATE! The new HOH is posted below, as are the three people who are the “Have Nots” this week!

It came down to Jess and Russell, and it looks like Russell won after he promised Jeff and Jordan wouldn’t go up.

Jordan, as her prize (for being one of the first 5 out) gets to pick who is a have have-not.

She said she will simply draw names out of a hat to be fair. She also isn’t putting anyone who hasn’t been on slop up.

Jordan ended up choosing out of a hat . . . Natalie (who has a slop pass), Kevin and Jeff! Everyone told Jordan to take Jeff out because of the HOH competition.

Jessie and Lydia played each other to find out who would be the final person on slop. Jessie is on slop!

Jessie and Natalie are quaking! They are worried about what will happen. Jessie thinks they are safer with Russell as HOH though. Chima, Jessie and Natalie also think Jeff voted to keep Casey!




  1. EVERYONE VOTE FOR JEFF OR JORDAN TO GET THE SPECIAL POWER!!! I want those others to go down!!!

    Comment by Anonymous
    07.30.2009 at 11:28 pm
  2. I voted for Jeff…he’ll know how to use it better than Jordan haha. Also, anybody creeped out by Lydia going in to watch Jessie sleep? WEIRD!

    Comment by Becca
    07.30.2009 at 11:39 pm
  3. Vote Jeff!!! Love Jordan but the girl is just dumb, i doubt she would understand what the power was or be able to use it to really advance her game.

    Comment by Erick
    07.31.2009 at 12:19 am
  4. Yes… her watching him sleep was so odd… and she made no apologies for it… she was almost proud of herself… and she seemed originally to be INSULTED to titled”off beat” when they first learned about the labels… i think she just proved she is the definition!!

    Comment by Anonymous
    07.31.2009 at 12:32 am

    Jessie and Natalie are complaining to no end about being on slop and cold showers and what not. Natalie at least won a slop pass earlier on. She said how poor Jessie, he’s a big boy and being a body builder is his job, this will be hard for him. OMG, it’s not even a week!

    They want Keven and Lydia up, already throwing them under the bus to Russell.

    Natalie is starting to get cranky and she’s already snapping at Jessie for something he said (I missed it). Jessie kept saying he knows what he said, he doesn’t have to justify what he said.

    Russell told Jeff and Nat they were going up, but I think he was joking. Would be funny if he was serious!

    This coming week is when Jessie was voted out last time 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    07.31.2009 at 2:30 am
  6. How funny would that be if Jessie was voted out this week as he was last season. Karma is a birch. Lol

    Comment by Cammy
    07.31.2009 at 7:56 am
  7. Karma is a bitch not birch stupid phone

    Comment by Cammy
    07.31.2009 at 7:58 am
  8. I voted for Jeff and I really hope he wins it!

    Ronnie has figured out what the secret power is…being the BB Historian that he is, he figured it out based on what Julie told them. The funny thing is he thinks that he might be a front runner to win it since America might feel bad for him. That was the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while! Pretty much every board I’ve visited has people pulling for Jeff…I just hope Jeff and Jordan don’t end up splitting votes and someone else ends up winning it!

    Comment by Holly
    07.31.2009 at 9:16 am
  9. As much as people love Jordan, its because shes been the dumb victim for the game so far. People know this and most boards I’ve seen comment on it, we love you girl but doubt you would understand what you could do or how to pull it off to your own benefit. Vote Jeff, he has the balls to shake things up in the house.

    Comment by Erick
    07.31.2009 at 11:56 am
  10. When do they do the nominations, veto and replacement if one of them wins the veto in real time (not the days it’s on tv)?

    Comment by Justwondering
    07.31.2009 at 1:23 pm
  11. Nominations should be today at some point.

    Veto usually happens on Saturday, with the ceremony either sunday or monday.

    My guess is the winner of the coup will be told shortly before next Thursday’s show.

    Comment by Dustin
    07.31.2009 at 1:25 pm

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