Harper’s Island: The Mystery Deepens!

Harper’s Island: The Mystery Deepens!

Posted by Dustin on 05.24.2009 at 4:42 pm

I’m trying to remember what all happened last night on “Harper’s” to give some kind of a recap, but let’s just say that last night is a bit fuzzy 🙂

Everyone began to realize there was a killer on the island. Abby showed Henry and JD the stash of clippings her father kept, how he was tracking a possible Wakefield clone. JD reminded them that Kelly kept swearing she had seen Wakefield alive, so they decided to dig up his grave. The Sheriff didn’t stop them either, he wanted to see himself if Wakefield was there. In the grave was a skeleton, but are we sure it’s him?

Trish told her sister that Richard had been cheating on her with their step-mother! However the step-mother really did love Thomas Wellington, Trish could see it in her eyes and the way she reacted to his death. Something odd was definitely going on with the mother and Richard. They also began to suspect maybe Richard killed Thomas, and decided to deal with him. Unfortunately he’s been dealt with, as he had a spear driven through his chest at the end of the episode!

JD snuck off near the end, and was seen by the little freaky girl who talks to ghosts. He put his finger up to his lips so she didn’t say anything. Something is going on between the two of them as well, I’m not sure what though. I think she knows who the killer might be! Anyways, JD went off and knocked on a door of a house. The guy with the burnt face opened it and JD went in to talk to the guy!


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