90210 Season Finale
So with 90210 now over, I wanted to post some thoughts on the finale, as well as the show in general.
First up, I really started getting into the show, more than I thought I would. I’d like to see a bit more stories with the older crowd, not just the originals, but also Annie and Dixon’s parents. I feel they started them, but kept dropping them. For example, Debbie’s desire to get a job. It’s only been mentioned a few times, I’d like to see them follow through with it as a real story. Also as someone in the shoutbox pointed out, where the hell did Tabitha go? Then there is Donna’s story that I felt was only somewhat resolved. I hope we see more of her, and Brenda, next season.
I really started liking the idea of Ethan and Silver as a couple, but we know Ethan is leaving, so that one is gone.
Watching Adriana say goodbye to her baby was heartbreaking, but I love her and Navid. I was honestly expecting Ty to die and Navid to be arrested for his death. It would have set up a good who-done-it.
Naomi SERIOUSLY needs some medication, otherwise she’s going to explode. I did however love when she told her sister “It’s my house, I paid for it, I’ll have a party!” Oh wrong thing to say though as her sister is one huge bitch, and I wonder how long it will take her to figure that one out? Liam probably won’t tell her that they slept together, but I bet she finds out somehow. That’s two boyfriends Jen has seduced!
Annie probably gave her best performance all season at the very end when she told everyone at Naomi’s party off, then reported it. However what, or who do you think she ran over? A person? An animal? It was just a lump in the road so we couldn’t tell. Clearly Annie’s in deep sh…. next season!
I totally think Annie hit Ethan. OR Ethan was in the car behind her. The bumper sticker said WBHH West Beverly Hills High. So we know that it was someone that knows Annie. Really good episode. Can’t wait for September!
05.20.2009 at 12:43 pm
It was the english teachers car…
05.20.2009 at 12:58 pm
I am not okay with Kelly taking Harry from his wife. That is not cool. That’s far too similar to what happened with Kelly/Dylan/Brenda – and I believe the viewers know that Kelly has matured since then. Surely the writers can find a better way to keep Kelly on the show next season.
A little freaked out when “Brenda” announced Jim was dying. Glad it was a dream, but it would have been an interesting way to keep Brenda on the show for some episodes next season. Of course, they would have to get Jim, Cindy, and Brandon back as well.
Loving Ethan and Silver.
Hating Jen.
I feel terrible for Annie, and I think it’s going to be bad for her next season. Who did she run over? Ethan? Liam escaping those guys?
05.30.2009 at 12:38 am