NBC Cancels Medium? *Update* CBS Picks Up!

NBC Cancels Medium? *Update* CBS Picks Up!

Posted by Dustin on 05.19.2009 at 11:29 am

Yesterday I posted a blurb that CBS might be interested in “Medium.” Well today NBC’s schedule was released and “Medium” was nowhere to be found. Is it gone? It looks like it.

An odd move, considering it’s been one of the few shows on NBC bringing them in steady ratings. I guess we now have to hope CBS will pick it up, or already has agreed to and NBC let it go for that reason.

*Update* The LA Times is confirming yesterday’s story that CBS is picking up “Medium!” CBS Studios, which actually produces the show, has gone on record saying NBC’s cancellation is “inexplicable to us.” CBS also went on to state what I did above, that ratings wise the show “outperforms many of NBC’s renewed shows.”

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