Heroes: Cold Snap
Oh My God Becky . . . . Last night’s episode of “Heroes” was so good, yet slightly upsetting at the same time. However defiantly the best episode since the first season for sure.
Hiro and Ando learned that the baby was in fact Matt Parkman’s baby, and he had a power. He could turn things on and off, making a whole assortment of his electronic toys go with a touch. Hiro nicknamed him “Baby Touch And Go.” Well Janice came home, and they had to explain to her that her baby was in danger, Matt was set up, yada yada. When officers showed up at her door to take her and her son in for questioning, she realized they weren’t kidding. She claimed her son was at daycare, they could go get him. She bought Hiro and Ando time to escape. Ando blasted the men with his powers, somehow he’s able to channel his charges into lightning now. Meanwhile the baby kicked Hiro’s powers back, sort of. Hiro can freeze time again, but he couldn’t teleport. Hiro, Ando and Baby Matt escaped.
Something tells me that Hiro will never get his time travel powers back. I think much like Peter, his original powers are too powerful. We’ve critiqued Hiro one too many times for not just going back in time and fixing stuff as is. I also think we haven’t seen the last of Janice, more on that later.
Angela was on the run from The Hunter and his men in this episode. Not to much happened with her. At the end Peter swooped in to save her from capture, flying her away to safety with him. It was a great scene!
Matt, Surresh, Tracy and Daphne escaped from The Hunter’s building, with the help of Rebel. The Hunter sent HRG after Tracy to find Rebel. He made a deal with her, lead him to Rebel and he’d let her go (yeah right!). Meanwhile Matt and Surresh got Daphne to the hospital. It seemed Daphne was okay, and later she told Matt he was nice but they wouldn’t work, so she ran off to Paris. Matt showed up to get her, she realized he couldn’t have gotten there so fast. She knew they were still in the hospital, she was dying and Matt was doing this in her head. He wanted her to have a happy ending. The show ended with Daphne dying.
I was SO miffed they killed Daphne. I really loved her character, this was heart breaking for me! However with the return of Janice and Baby Matt, I somehow wonder if they are going to put Matt back with his ex?
Tracy was shocked to meet Rebel, who as we all guessed, was Micah! Yup, Micah is back, and grown up too. Tracy had no idea it was him, she had set him up. They tried to flee from The Hunters men and ended up in a parking garage. She had Micah tell the fire alarms to start the sprinklers, then she had him run. Tracey then pulled off this trick where she froze everything around her, and in the end turned herself into a block of ice! The Hunter showed up, shot her, shattering her into pieces. OMG! After he walked away we saw her “cracked” head’s eye blink though . . .
Is Tracy dead? That could have been a sign. If she can make herself into ice, could she melt and reform herself? A possibility. Otherwise there is always that other sister Barbara we have never seen.
Spoilers have indicated there will be 3 deaths this season, but one won’t be final, the person will come back.
I figured that Tracy will be dead and they will bring back Ali as another character. But when I saw her eye blink/cry I thought the same thing…she will melt and recreate her body. I guess either SL will work for me. One question though?!?!? I thought that if Peter touched people with abilities he picked up theirs and lost the last one. How can he fly if he was touching his mother…who can see the future? I was thrown by that one, but did enjoy the scene too. Can’t wait til next week,
03.25.2009 at 10:22 am
I think Peter can chose whether or not he wants to take the power.
03.25.2009 at 10:54 am
In addition to the theory of Peter choosing, it also may involve skin-to-skin contact. I’m not sure if Peter was wearing gloves, or merely grabbed Angela’s clothing only.
03.25.2009 at 11:30 am
He definitely grabbed her by the arms. I never even wondered why he didn’t take her powers lol.
03.25.2009 at 11:40 am
Haha, Dustin! I don’t watch Heroes, but I wanted to comment on the very first part of your post. You must be my best friend in desguise because he’s the only one I’ve ever heard say, “Oh my God, Becky” (Of course in reference to the Sir Mix Alot song.) I love it 🙂
03.25.2009 at 12:50 pm