Desperate Housewives: Goodbye Edie
Given last night’s episode of “Housewives,” and the chatter in the shoutbox. I figured I best get a post up quickly if people wanted to comment on it. Therefore this is a complete opinion post with little recap. The next new “Housewives” isn’t until April 19th, so if you missed it, well you have plenty of time to catch up online.
First up, good lord Orson the whiny baby was in full force throughout this episode! Wah wah wah, I feel like a unic compared to my smart, sexy, successful wife; so I steal to piss her off. You steal because you are a criminal, always have been and always will! I can’t believe Bree was about to sell her company to make Orson feel better. I’m so glad she came to her senses and didn’t, but then he threw yet another tantrum. Let him throw them in the yard. Orson needs to be kicked out of the house. Sorry Orson, it’s time for you to go!
Tom and Gabby’s “girl talk” was pretty funny. I want to see more of Tom interacting with “the girls.”
Speaking of going, thank God Carlos fired that horrible Lucy woman. Oh she was just horrid to Lynette throughout this episode. I loved when she got caught yelling at the cleaning lady for assuming that Carlos’ kids were hers, just because they were Latino. What a horrid woman she was . . . I hope Carlos doesn’t hire Orson as a replacement or something stupid.
Carl’s kid Evan was just frightening in this episode with his drawings. Paging Damian! However it was actually a good story in which Susan didn’t act like an ass, and she got closure in a sense with Carl . . . whose wife left him in this episode much like he did to Susan. Lord, please don’t let them put Susan and Carl back together . . . please!
Finally we come to Dave, who showed his complete crazy in this episode with his “plan” to kill Katherine during the camping trip and make it look like a hunting accident. Meanwhile the fax waiting for Edie through out the whole show giving her all the answers was killer. How could she have kept walking away? It’s like not listening to your answering machine. Grrrr!
Of course at the very end, Edie had to confront Dave first without telling anyone else. Please woman, the man is nuts! But that is how TV goes. Then her death, what a way to go. Oh I felt so bad. For those who didn’t see it, I will recap her death . . . .
Edie confronted Dave with a fax containing the story of Mike, the car crash and his kid and wife’s death. She figured out everything, he married her and moved here for revenge. She was going to call Mike, he started strangling her. Something came over him and he stopped. She ran out of the house and into her car. Meanwhile down the street an old lady was being robbed by a man in a mask. She caught him in her house and chased him out into the street. He took his mask of, shocker it was Orson! Edie, who was frantic and on her phone, looked up to see Orson in front of her. She swerved, hit a power pole head on. That didn’t kill her. What killed her is when she stepped out of the car, into a puddle and a power line touched the car door and electrocuted her on the spot.
Poor Edie, and damn you Orson!
I loved the intensity of this episode it didnt let up…. I hate that I didnt get all the previews but I cannot wait for next week
03.23.2009 at 4:20 pm
Thanks for the re-cap Dustin. I missed the show (I just had to watch the last Big Love of the season). What a horrible way for Edie to go. Unfortunately I can’t catch the show online here in Canada 🙁
03.23.2009 at 5:07 pm
You can watch it online in Canada at I to missed it last night and had to watch it today.
03.23.2009 at 5:54 pm
Thanks Dogface!
03.23.2009 at 6:19 pm