Booted This Week On Idol and DWTS

Booted This Week On Idol and DWTS

Posted by Dustin on 03.19.2009 at 12:32 pm

On “American Idol” Alexis Grace was sent home. She and Michael Sarver were the bottom two.

On “Dancing With The Stars” it was Belinda Carlisle who fell victim to the first to go curse.

In both cases I think the wrong people were sent home! Steve Wozniak should have gone over Belinda, and Michael Sarver over Alexis. But oh well!




  1. i like so many people this season on idol i end up voting for like 6 people each night, haha.

    i was sad to see alexis go, she was a fantastic singer.
    although i like michael alot, he definetely should have gone over her.

    Comment by stephanie
    03.19.2009 at 4:11 pm
  2. Although I was sad to see alexis go, I console myself by thinking she wouldn’t have made it as the final top 3. So does it matter in the end? Anyway, I think she’s got something special…

    Comment by Helene
    03.20.2009 at 4:00 pm
  3. I was ok with alexis going home. I kinda thought she was getting a little full of herself

    Comment by Renee
    03.22.2009 at 10:02 am

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